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I tried to turn my head towards the other voice in the room, but a pounding inside my skull and jaw prevented it and I winced. Instead I turned my body in the bed toward the new voice.

I saw a boy. About 6 feet tall, a little taller? His hair was so dark it shined blue. His eyes a deep aqua. Built, to perfection with abs and defined veins in his arms. Like a Greek god to be honest.

"Who are you?" My voice more amazed and in awe at this beautiful boy in front of me, than asking a literal question.

This boy I've never met just stared back at me. He looked broken, sad. What a weirdo. Some complete stranger just in my hospital room. I immediately was frustrated,

"Mom, who the fuck is this guy just staring at me and why are you okay with it." I said spinning my body to face my mom. I turned back to face the stranger, "Did you do this to me?" I said pointing at my stitches with a new fear building inside thy this super cute boy in front of me was actually a psychopath.

"Honey, listen-" she started reached towards me, as the nurse walked in,

"Oh good! Connor you're awake, I'll let Dr. Lewis know right now. Be back in a jiffy!"

"Yeah sure, thanks." I replied turning back to my mother, she looked worn and sad too.

What the fuck is going on? I can't even think. I rubbed my temples as my skull pounded.

"I-I gotta go. " said the boy, his voice was deep but I heard it cracking as he began turning and leaving, "I'll see you around Connor."


I still hadn't heard from Nicolas and it was almost 4:30 in the morning. I knew he wasn't still at the hospital, mum had told me Elizabeth  told her when he left, but mum wouldn't tell me why.

I knew something was wrong.
I tried calling Nick for the three millionth time to get the same answer, which was no answer, just voice mail.
"You've reached Nicolas Elms, sorry I can't answer your call at the mome-" I hung up and left out a heavy groan.

"Stupid fuck." I breathed out in exasperation, "where the fuck are you?"

Then I heard it. The smash outside that I knew had to be Nicolas. He would always break shit in the woods behind our house where he thought no one could hear.

I carefully snuck my shoes on and stepped through the large blue tarp hanging over the broken doorway leading to the patio and backyard.

"Nicolas?!" I hissed our into the night, creeping towards a body outline just past the edge of tall pine trees, their fallen needles cracking beneath my feet. The body stiffened and just stood still with his back turned but I knew it was him.

" Nicolas what the fuck are you doing out here, it's almost five in the morning are you fucking stupid? And where your phone I tried calling over a hundred times!"

No reply or movement.

" Nick what the fu-" I said spinning him around only to realize he was silent because he had been crying.  Nick wasn't a big crier but I knew something had happened.
"What's going on?" I pried on him.
He slowly came back to reality, his eyes became focused and fixed on me, I could see the fight in his eyes but he just stared, he looked...
Almost defeated?

Nicolas must have been crying or yelling for a while because when he spoke his voice was a hoarse croak but his words came across loud and clear.
"Connor doesn't remember us Anthony."

My Bestfriends Brother •bxb•Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora