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Dipper pov
"BILL! What do you want?" I yelled to the yellow dorito infront of me.
"Pinetree you know why I am here. Its because you have something demons get called magic buildup!"
I am so confused. Magic buildup? Demon? Luckily mabel spoke up for me.
"What do you mean magic buildup?"
"Its where a demon doesn't use their powers for years , then one day, their magic will cause them to get really bad head aces and lose control of their powers."
"But im not a demon, im a human." I respond.
"Yes and no . You see both of you are actually my kids. SURPRISE. You where both born humans but I never got the chance to change you shooting star into a demon because sixer kidnapped you and left you with your "parents". Did you understand all that?"
I stood there in shock and anger. Ford lied to us and kidnapped us from our real dad.
Mabel on the other hand burst out crying saying
"mum and dad arent our parents and stan and ford arent our grunkles."
"Sorry mabel they arent"
"Oh yeah I forgot to mention, I did name you different names"
Oh yeah of course. Different parents different names.
"Alcor D Cipher and Cindy A Cipher."
"Ohhh I like the name cindy!" Mabel blurted out.
"Alcor is cool too, much better than Mason!"
"Great then ill give you an hour to get your crap together , then meet back here, got it?"
We both nod at him
"Oh yeah one more thing" he put his hand on mabels shoulder. a pink light engulfed her.
"Now you are a demon. We will work on appearances later. Byeee."
And he disappeared.

Mabels pov

Well that was a surprise. I guess im a demon now. I feel so much power.
I dont know if I should be happy, sad, angry or confused. I know that dipper is angry so I might aswell be.
We just arrived and dipper lead me over to the vending machine. Her literally punched in the code and we both went down. I can tel dipper is on the verge of exploding on grun.... I mean ford.
About half way down I see a smile appear on dippers face and it wasnt a friendly one.

Dippers pov
I had a perfect idea of how to confront ford.
"Oh sixer.."
He turned around and held his gun at my head
"Get out of his head bill!"
"Calm down ford im just messing with you. But it would be fun to have powers wouldnt it."
"Uhh I guess so." I could tell he was starting to get nervous
"Well I would know. AS I WAS A DEMON MY WHOLE LIFE!"
"Uhh" he started to shake. He dropped the gun on the floor and backed away.
"How-how did you find out?!"
"One word - bill ." Said mab - Cindy in a stern tone I had never heard her use before. It was strangely comforting.
"What? Bill? How did he know? I put an anti magic spell on you so he couldn't find you."
"Yes well the spell wore off and now we are going to return to our father."
"But dipper.."
"Alcor and Cindy" I interrupted
"Oh sorry alcor,Cindy you cant leave.
"Wait who is leaving?" Oh great its stan now we have to deal with him.
"Alcor and Cindy found out they where demons." Said ford
Im starting to get bored here. So I mentally tell Cindy "this is boring want to go with father now?"
"Oh its about time, this is so boring lets go!"
So Cindy interrupts their argument and says
"Well this has been fun but we gotta go. She you never sixer and fez."
Wow she is so optimistic and confident.
I really hope I dont have to talk to them ever again.
We click our fingers and we teleport to the clearing we promised bill we would meet him and he is there.
"Ready to go?"

Born to a demon Is Now A Questions And Dares Book (Gravity falls)Where stories live. Discover now