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( I'm watching game theory while writing this so. If you see any references to fnaf you will know why)
Alcor pov
After we got used to our rooms. Father (a/n you will notice Alcor says father and cindys says dad) Started our training. He took us to this huge room it had a big blue square and a big pink square on the floor.
"Ok, since I don't want you 2 to kill each other or me so go stand on those squares" said father, which I guess is smart.
We go to the squares and stand there while father clicks his fingers. A force field forms around the squares. Cindy walks over and touches it . And she couldn't get though.
"Now you can train your powers without killing each other"
"Yeah yeah dad lets just get started i want to see my powers!" Yelled Cindy excitedly!
"Ok first you need to focus on your fire . So focus on your hand an imagine...." Father was interrupted by cindy screaming
"I did it!! It's so cool" and yes her hand was engulfed in a pink flame. How did she do that before me?
"Pinetree the reason she got it before you because I turned her into a demon an hour ago  and you where a demon for 13 years. And she didn't have magic build up."
Right I forgot he could read minds. I focus on my hand though it's hard to because my head ace was getting worse. I start to feel really light headed , I think I might f..

Cindy PoV
I'm watching Alcor trying to light his hand up when I notice he is getting paler and paler before he faints onto the floor "Alcor!!" I start to bang on the force field trying o get out. "Dad help him!!" I could tell he didn't know what to do.
"Put down the force fields so we can help him"
"Uhh sure , do you know what to do when one of you meatsacks faint, I don't."
He clicks his fingers and the force fields go down. I rush over to him (I forgot to mention that cindy has a Aries star sign on her arm, like dippers Big Dipper but on her arm) and feel his forehead where his birth mark is glowing. His fore head I boiling hot.
"Dad we need to get him to a doctor!"
"Uh ok ok ."
He runs over to Alcor, picks him up and teleports us to a hospital I assume it's a demon hospital because there is loads of other demons here. I see a sign that says magic build up.

Bill PoV
Pine trees magic buildup is getting worse. Cindy was right I did have to take him to a hospital. Now fact about me is that I'm the most feared yet beloved demon ever so I have a huge authority. I teleport right I front of the desk and yell at the petrified receptionist.
"Get me a magic build up doctor right now!"
"Y-yes sir. R-right away!"
"Dad? Is Alcor going to be ok?"
"Don't worry shooting star, it's just magic buildup it will pass."
"S-sir the d-doctor is ready for you"
I teleport us to the room and set Alcor down on the bed and the doctor takes a look at him.
"Hmm magic build up correct?"
"Yes, he's 13, demon and has only realised he is a demon. He fainted while he was trying to light his hand on fire."
"Ok I see, and are you his sister?"
"Yep I'm cindy , his older twin!"
"Actually cindy I don't know which one of you is older, so you could be the younger one, but no time for that, how can you cure him doc?"
"Yes well the only way to cure him is a way you may not like..."
"Go on..." I asked him suspiciously , I don't like where this is going.
He walked over and grabbed a strangely coloured bottle with a liquid in it. He walked over to Alcor and poured it on his fore head. The Big Dipper disappeared from his fore head and he turned back into a human. He sat up and rubbed his head and looked around.
"M-Mabel? Is that you? And BILL!? What am I doing here ? What did you do to me?"
He yelled out. It was heartbreaking to hear him once again complain about me.
"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I was furious at the doctor.
"Calm down sir I had to change him into a human so that the magic buildup would disappear. He doesn't have any memory's of being a demon. It will be about a week before you can turn him into a demon."
"Alc.. Dipper are you ok? Do you have a headache?" Cindy asks Alcor
"Yeah Mabel I'm fine but what happened to you? This is some weird dream!"
"Yeah this is all just a weird dream." Cindy stops for a second then whispers something in my ear (to be revealed next chapter)
"That could work, any way doc thanks for the help I'll pay the fee never" and with that I click my fingers and we are back at the fearamid.

Born to a demon Is Now A Questions And Dares Book (Gravity falls)Where stories live. Discover now