4:When they ask you to be theirs

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Scott: After homecoming you and Scott hung out a lot with the pack and alone. The one night you and Scott were just hanging out before the pack meeting and Scott asked you to be his and you answered yes.

Stiles: After Stiles took you on your picnic you and him have been spending a lot of time together. You even got Derek and Cora to open up to liking Stiles. When Stiles asked you out in front of the pack you were surprised but you said yes. You then knew you were accepted into the pack.

Derek: After your dinner and movie at the loft you and Derek hung out a lot more. Scott still wasnt liking it but you didn't care anymore because you were happy. When Derek asked you out on your third movie and dinner date at the loft you answered yes.

Liam: After the date with Liam and his whole family. You and him hung out a lot more and his family was glad that he had you in his life. When Liam asked you out in front of his parents at another one of the family dinners you told him of course.

Brett: After he took you to your favorite place to eat you guys hung out a lot more. You actually made Brett spend time with you and your family. If he wanted to be with you completely him and Liam had to start getting along and they did. Brett asked you out in front of Liam because Liam already knew he was asking.

Theo: After your date with Theo he asked you out when he dropped you off but you didn't answer him till the next day at school saying yes. If this don't make since they were hanging out way before they went on there first date.

Isaac: After your date at the skate park you guys went on many more dates. After your fifth date he asked you out and you said yes.

Allison: After your fort date she asked you out and you said yes. Like it made since since you guys hung out a lot before then anyway.

Kira: After your date with the pack and only a little bit of them liking you. Kira was still mad at them for not liking you and you knew why they didn't like you. You're a rare werewolf and they are scared for Kira but Kira already knows everything about you and you been on way more dates after that and she asked you out and you said yes. You told her pack if they didn't like you that was fine because you didn't need a pack. But secretly Derek still kinda has his own pack and he has let you into his pack without anyone really knowing.

Malia: After your and Malia's ice cream date she learned other foods you liked from you but also from Liam. So she took you on many dates to get food. After the last food date she asked you out and you said yes. Her and Liam have finally learned to get along too and understand that there is plenty of you to go around.

Hayden: After your and Hayden's first date she asked you out. You said yes you were already expecting it because you guys have hung around and like each other since 6th grade.

Cora: After your first date and the many other dates that you went on Cora finally had the courage to ask you out and you told her yes. Again she did it in front of the pack and embarrassed you.

Lydia: After the fashion show date and many more dates. Lydia asks you out and you of course say yes. 

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