13: They Cheat

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Scott: You and Scott had been fighting a lot because he would be ditching you to hang out with Kira and you finally had enough of it so he ditched you for her again today and you decided okay that's it i'm going to his house and seeing what they are doing. Big mistake you walked inside and went up to his room and opened the door too only see him and Kira making out. You gasped and they both pulled away but you have already started running down the stairs while Scott was yelling for you to wait. You just kept running and running till you made it to Derek's loft which almost everyone was there when you ran in and just ran into Isaacs room and throw yourself on the bed. No one asked because they knew but they weren't telling you because Scott said he would tell you. You pretty much stayed in Isaac's room and Isaac just came in after they were all finished talking out there and he just laid with you while you cried and explained everything. Isaac was mad because you were upset and didn't even wanna move from his bed for a while.

Stiles: You and Stiles had been going through some things when he hid the fact that Malia was your cousin to you and you were mad at him but you were more mad when you went to his house to find him and Malia making out instead of studying you ran all the way back to the loft and slammed the door and Derek then knew you were mad and upset because you were crying. When he heard Stiles Jeep pull up and you getting angry he knew it had something to do with Stiles but you could smell Stiles and Malia walking to the door. You and Derek are talking through your minds. Y/N: Derek I don't wanna see either of them make them leave. Derek: just go to Cora's room hopefully masking her and your scent won't let them know your here. Y/N: Okay and she goes to Cora's room with Cora. Derek opens the door slightly. Stiles: Where is Y/N? Derek says I don't know she's not home last I know she was meeting with you too. Malia says Derek don't lie she's here. Cora comes out the room and goes downstairs. Stiles: Cora where is Y/N? Cora: she's not here and if anything the smell your smelling Malia is me so stop trying to sniff her out also maybe make sure to check both your phones. Malia growls at Cora. Cora: Sweetheart don't try it because you can steal people's boyfriend but you won't win in a fight with me or her. Malia: I didn't do anything. Cora: funny how I got a text a group text with a picture of you and Stiles kissing I guess it's fake but then again I can smell desperate, sadness, and regret in the both of you so it's not so please leave. Stiles and Malia leave and you hear the jeep leave so you come downstairs. Y/N: Thanks Cora & Derek: No problem we knew it was coming we just didn't think you send a group text with the picture to all of us including them and writing and this is why we are done.

Liam: You and Liam have slowly stopped hanging around since he's been helping Hayden you didn't think anything of it you thought he was just trying to be a friend. You wish that was all it was but you walked up behind the busses were they were hanging out to see them kissing and you just about lost it before Stiles cover your mouth and dropped you both down behind the buss letting you cry in his arms but Liam heard it because of his werewolf hearing and he came around and Stiles told him to go away and that you and him were done you didn't look up or anything you just kept your head in Stiles chest crying till he stood you both back up and took you to your next class. You had it with Liam and Hayden but Corey, Mason, and Luckily Theo were in the class. It's an elective class so thats why Theo was in it and you always sat with Liam and Hayden away from Theo but today you asked Stiles and Stiles explained that Theo is good now so you sat with Theo and ignored both Liam and Hayden and Theo knew about it all so Theo decided to keep his arm wrapped around the back of your chair and whisper how cute you were and everything in your ear and you would just blush the whole time and Liam was getting angry but you didn't care and neither did Theo.

Theo: You and Theo were fighting because he made his own pack with the dread doctors. You were mad about it and you were also mad because Tracey would always be flirting with Theo and he didn't do anything so one time you went to visit him and you saw him and Tracey making out and you were mad and upset so you through the stuff you bought for him down on the ground and ran away to Liam's knowing he was with Mason and they both let you cry it out and everything knowing that you and Theo were going to be done for a little while. Theo came to Liam's following your scent too see what was wrong but when Liam opened the door he closed it and said you and him were done and that he needed to leave you alone for a little while.

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