14 • Lost & Found

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It was almost midnight when I heard a knock on the door. With confusion on his face, I saw Dean make his way to the door and open it.

"I'm here for Claire." A steely voice said and my heart leapt. Quil.

"She's not here," Dean said arrogantly and went to shut the door.

With a loud bang, I saw the door fly back against the wall and Quil force his way into the room. I felt a chill rush down my spine. Never in all my life had I ever seen Quil look so furious. I didn't know he was even capable of looking that way. He looked over at me, and I saw his eyes soften for a second as he took me in, and then they instantly hardened as he looked from Dean to Cal. Cal moved slightly in front of me and Quil's eyes became lethal.

"Claire, get your things, I'm taking you home," Quil ordered in a tone that was not to be argued with. Dean and Cal didn't seem to pick up on it.

"Sorry friend, she's not going anywhere," Dean said, blocking Quil from entering the room any farther. I saw Quil's hands start to tremble, but he didn't look scared. He looked pissed.

"I'm not your friend," Quil said coldly before looking at me again, "Claire, you can either grab the stuff you brought with you, or you can leave without it. It's your choice, but we're leaving in three seconds.

"Maybe you didn't hear me, friend," Dean sneered.

He slammed his hand down on Quil's shoulder and tried to push Quil back. Quil didn't move for a second and then before I knew it, Dean was pinned to the wall with Quil's hand around his throat. Cal tried to help his friend and lunged at Quil. With the hand that wasn't holding Dean, Quil reached out and gave Cal what looked like a gentle shove on the shoulder.

Cal went flying back. I heard a sickening crack as he hit the wall with incredible force. He yowled in pain as he moved away from the wall. His arm dangled uselessly.

"I told you, I'm not your friend," Quil said menacingly, turning his attention back to Dean.

He squeezed harder against Dean's throat, causing Dean to turn a terrible purple color. When Dean's eyes started to bulge, Quil released him. Dean collapsed to the floor, looking at Quil with a stunned expression on his face. Quil turned back to me. He wasn't even breathing hard.

In a calm voice he said, "Are you ready?"

In shock, I reached down and grabbed my duffle bag. I realized that I was shaking. I was terrified of what I had just witnessed. I had always known that Quil was strong, but I had never seen him use his strength against someone before. He had just picked off two body builders like they were teensy flies. I also never knew Quil had such a temper.

As I made my way towards him, he reached out for me. I jumped back and saw a flash of pain on his face. We made our way to the car in silence. He quickly rang my parents and let them know that he had found me. I heard him say something about staying in Seattle, but I didn't pay too close attention because nerves were eating away at me. I got in the car and shut the door. Quil made another call and then got into the car with me. He barely acknowledged me.

We pulled out of the apartment complex and started down the road. I kept sending him nervous glances. I almost wished he would speak because I didn't think I could handle the tension anymore. However, when he did decide to finally say something, I wished for the silence again.

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