Chapter 1

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As the time struck 1 in the morning, at a time where normal people would be sleeping, Enna was working on her tailor's dummy with needles in her right and parts of fabric in her left hand. With quietly running music in the background, she was able to concentrate better and visualise the results more efficient.

She had one dream on her bucket list she wanted to achieve before biting in the dust, which was working as a designer such as Donatella Versace, Betsy Johnson or Paul Vasileff. She wanted to be known internationally, she wanted her work to be loved by everyone around the globe.
Not to understand her wrong, she was healthy and young but she worked so much on this dream that she didn't want to waste any time on anything else.

She was an open-minded and purposeful girl at the age of 19 going her own path trying to explore the world and what it had to offer.
This girl knows what's coming at her and how it's really out there but she is capable of everything, at least that's what she is talking herself into.

But isn't everything possible if you have a father who has an independent establishment for Biomedical Technologies and a mother who works as a judge in a law court that the Feldmans' have always been a part of? Her grand-grandmother, her grandmother who passed away 2 years ago, her uncle and her aunt such as her cousin.

Both enterprises named after their highly acclaimed surname, Feldman. A name which has more than 100 years of status and history in the country they are living in, thanks to her ancestors who worked towards a superior life. Although she knew her family made some mistakes in their past she believed in faith, she wasn't religious at all but she did.

Everyone will get back what they did if not today, yesterday or tomorrow then on one day, certainly.
What comes around goes around.

From the outside, it might seem that she is living the best life that is offered to her but on the inside, she was quietly fighting with herself, with her thoughts that slightly tried to destroy her. But she is strong, she is never going to give up.
But is it all really worth it?

For her it is for her mother it isn't at all but her mother is something else to argue about.
Her mother, Dolores Feldman, is a beautiful and feared woman, she is a manipulative person and a controlling woman, willing to do anything to forward her own agenda. If she wants something she is getting that, no matter what. The marriage with her husband made her even more powerful than she would have imagined, not that she married him for his money, although a lot of people assume that, they married with love back then, maybe also cause of the fact that the descendant of the Feldman Institute couldn't  have impregnated a woman without being married.
But that child wasn't Enna, it was the secret the family member kept away from her.

Was that really worth it? Yes, for Dolores it was.

And not only for Dolores but also for her husband Martin Feldman, the current owner of The Feldman establishment. It is and was an important decision, to keep that secret to themselves. For her well being.

Her father is a person who can put up with really anything that comes his way, has to be a gift from his father. He is shown with the capacity to endure great pain to achieve victory, as well as to take life without hesitation when necessary. He wished that he would have remained his wife faithful through the last years. He wished. But he could not. And he is damning himself for that every morning. It is not like that he doesn't love his family he does, he has got a wonderful smart daughter who was about to study abroad in another country, he couldn't be more happy for her.
He was proud of her that she was capable of all these things.
He was happy for his one and only daughter to achieve that and he tried to show her his love but miserably failed, every time. It is also not like he doesn't love his wife, he does, truly madly deeply, but he needs some change in his life sometimes.

But is that all really worth it? Yes, for Martin it is.


Are they all sure? Will it be worth it?

But are they all doing the right things?
What does 'worth' mean, in general?
You will see. You will explore. You will feel.

What do you think so far? This was the end of this chapter but there will be more

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What do you think so far?
This was the end of this chapter but there will be more....This is my first ever fanfiction, so, I want you to comment what you think.

"You need to focus on what you see, it is right in front of you. Always."

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