Chapter 19

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"Okay. If you say so, princess." He turns around acting hurt. The tone he says princess in warms my body. Awww.
But there is no chance I will get undressed in front of you. He might have seen half of my body but I am still not walking around half naked. I button-up my blouse for the fourth time today making my life decisions questioning. I still turn around  to put on his shirt which doesn't even reach my thighs it stops at my hips, but it looks decently nice on me. I mean.. It could be worse

My mother always spotted out my flaws and failures but I never stopped believing in myself. Self love is important to keep the soul healthy. We aren't born to be perfect and we don't need to be. 

"Why are you taking so long?" I hear the voice of Zeus. I have totally forgot about him, I was too deep in my thoughts. Happens sometimes.

"Oh, sorry. You can turn around already."

As he turns back to me a wide grin appears on his face. "My shirt fits you better than me. What a shame." He mocks me.

"Oh, Yeah. I bet." I make a mean comment.
He is such good company, I like that.

"Don't make me strip you out of the shirt. I will show you." He comes some steps towards me. Did he just threaten me to get me out of his shirt to illustrate me how good he would be in it. The best answer I could give is 'Make me' but that would go too far and I could never look him in the eyes ever again. That would be so inappropriate. I love that idea.

"No. Thank you. I will pass" I try not to look at him.

"But Zeus..." I don't know if he wants to hang around with me and I also don't know if he is in the mood
"Could you tell me about yourself and the boys?" I want to know.

"What do you want to hear?" He leans on his desk next to me crossing his arms, this is the first time I see his the biceps he has. Our bodies are inches apart and he studies my face.

"I don't know. Start with the fact why you have names of gods."

"So... Every house has their own name how you know and instead of using a boring one we chose to call us the Olympians. And then we chose suitable names for the ones living here."
Wow. Okay. That makes sense now.

"And why are you called Zeus?" I am really curious about everything that has to do with this house now.

"That's my name."
I look at him with a surprised facial expression.

"Your name is Zeus? Are you serious?" I am not sure if he is kidding or telling me the truth.
"Not that Zeus is a bad name. I like it. Don't understand me wrong." I try to explain.
I have to admit, I really like his name. It is unique. It fits to his personality in a different way. I don't know the meaning but

"Thank you. I like yours too ." He chuckles.
"Indeed my full name is  Alexander Zeus Reynolds."
I like the name Alexander even more. His parents did a great job. Wait a minute, I love his name. It is a gender fluid name; Alex; you can name a girl and a boy after it. I like his parents already. They are geniuses and their son is too.

"And do your friends have greek god names too?" I ask because I want to know more. I have to look so naive but everything is so rooted and planed out.

"Yeah. But I am the only one with the name of a god. That's the reason why I got chosen as fraternity president. The others got their names according to what they have as their  first majors." He answers each of my questions. And it makes even more sense now.

"I hope I am not getting too personal but what do you mean by 'first majors'?" The story behind this construction makes me wanting to know more.

"No you aren' at all." He smiles at me again. I love his smile it gives me the feeling of peace.
"For example Don. His real name is Michael but the reason why he got the name 'Poseidon' was because he studies Environmental Science and Poseidon was the God of the sea, earthquakes, soil, storms and so." He lists all the facts. Wow. I am so flashed by these boys. And I would never believe that Don's real name is Michael. My inner me is dying of laughter. He doesn't seems like a Michael.

"Are you serious. Oh my god. You guys are so smart." I compliment.
"And what are your majors?" I want to know.

"My majors are Law and Greek Mythology. It also fits the name of the God quite good cause" I interrupt him

"Zeus is the god of law, order and justice." I finish his sentence. I have once watched a movie about that god and the others.

"Yes. That's right." He replies proudly.
I can't get over the fact that my mom would kill to have a child like him. He is the long lost son of my mother. The person her daughter never could be. I was never interested in Law and he is made for it. My mother always tried forcing me to study that boring major but I am not the type of person to tell others what they have done wrong and what right. By choice I chose Fashion Design, even when I was a teenager I knew I would be going this path. I like the idea of creating clothes more then telling someone how to behave.

"My mother already loves you more than me." I laugh at the fact that he would be a better son. She makes me anxious about myself, I hate her for that.

"Why? Cause I am a hot guy or cause she is into smart young students?" He jokes about the situation I got myself in. How I am going to explain him my life without telling him every detail.

"Ha. Ha. Calm down Brad Pitt. You are not that handsome." I stick my tongue out. I feel so free next to him, he makes me feel like I am capable of doing anything.

"She always want a daughter. Me" I point at me with my index fingers. "To be a lawyer and attend the same university as her, which is in New York somewhere. I was never interested in Law but she kept forcing me until she gave up. You know, I like being free. I like living my life in the fullest. The day I told her I was not going to do anything connected with Law&Order I saw the disappointment in her face, I knew I was never going to be good enough. And since that day she hates me." I talk everything out of my chest.

"I don't think your mother hates you. She just wants the best possible condition for her daughter." He expresses in words what my mother never did. If she really wanted that from me, she would have shown me with love and affection. But she never did, she was always that cold hearted bitch.

"I think she only wanted to show me off. To show the others how her own blood becomes a lawyer in the court with the name of our ancestors. I am sure she wanted me to work at that court, wasting my life on other people.She doesn't think like you and me." I point to him and then to me.
"But you know, I like to create dresses. I like to express a state of mind following a mood, a whole new way of understanding. I am who I am. It was always like that." I express my feelings.

"I feel you." He sits down on his bed.
"I have the same problem with my father my whole life. He loves for Biology and the human body, the building block of life and so... But my life goal is it to be a lawyer." He lets himself fall on his mattress facing the white ceiling. I follow hismove but still stand there.

Sometimes, I just need to open my eyes and look around. It is not only me who goes through some hard things. The most handsome guy I have seen in this college is almost living the same dilemma. It is not only me living through hell, there are also other people going through a hard time. Instead of focusing on myself I should look around.

I was bored and I started writing and didn't stop but here is my work

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I was bored and I started writing and didn't stop but here is my work. lolz

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