chapter 8

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"You need to wake up."
"We are here." I hear the voice of my father again.

I open my eyes to see a parked car in front of the airport. I rub my eyes stretching my body in the car. My neck is stiff due to the uncomfortable position I was sleeping too but rather than that I can't remember falling asleep in here. I mumble an 'Okay' out so that father understands me. He leaves the car after me to help me with my luggage, my mother comes out of the car when I get all my things out of the car.

The three of us enter the huge building to see a variety of different types of people wanting to do the same as me, trying to catch their flight
After checking my luggage in I hug my parents because after this control section there is no way back. It is the final destination of this part of my life the other one waiting on the other side. "I will miss you two a lot" l I get out even I don't mean it that emotionally. I hug my mother at first, it is a warm and welcome hug, just at the wrong time, it shouldn't be welcoming - it should be a goodbye type of hug. I don't even know my mum like that. "Five your dad a hug now." he plays around and makes fun of us. I open my arms and hug him tightly. This is our last hug, for now. I don't know when I will come back so I cost every second out. "The ones who are commissioned for the exchange year will pick you up and get you to your college. I already spoke to them, they know what to do." My father informs me and I nod.

When our bodies disconnect from each other I stand in front of him. "Don't forget what I always tell you when you need inspiration." He smiles.
"Good. Better. Best" I start and wait for him to continue as we always do. "Never let it rest."
'Till your good is better, and your better is best." we say in a choir. He puts his hand up and I imitate his gesture to give him a high five. With doing that we earn an eye roll from the woman who belongs to use. It makes me feel better saying these words, I could repeat them a thousand times and I would still adore every word. Once St. Jerome said " Good. Better. Best. Never let it rest. 'Till your good is better and your better is best. " and from the day on I heard this quote I never stopped trying my best and never giving up.

With my backpack on my back and my passport and plane ticket in the hand, I make my way to the security control.
Turning around one more time I see my parents wave at me and with me going forward to this section I lose them from my eyesight.

The security control didn't take me long but waiting to check-in the plane did, I had to wait an extra 10 minutes due to a delay but when the plane landed and all the passengers were allowed to enter the plane everything went well. The flight only takes about 1 hour 20 minutes, it is no big deal for me to sit that long but what am I going to do all by myself.
I didn't have to search for my seat for too long, I found it right away. I was sitting on the window side of the plane, I at first thought I would be sitting alone but then a little ginger girl with freckles took the seat next to me with her mother, I suppose. She gave me a smile and I saw dimples forming on her pure face and smiled back.

An hour later I find myself sharing M&M's with Darcie, the little girl next to me. I have learned that her mother and she will visit her aunt in London. She is only 9 years old but she seems so much younger because of her appearance
"I spy with my little eye something that is yellow" I saw and she turns her head around to look for a yellow item. "The cappy. The cappy" She points to the man who is sitting some rows in front of us and I give her a high five. We waste the last 30 minutes before landing with other games and also arguing about who gets the blue m&m's.
How I see they are her favourites but mine too.

Leaving the plane I get my suitcases after waiting 20 minutes looking for them. When I went through the exit I tried not to look like a lost puppy but I kind of was.

A woman in her late twenties with a light green shirt and the logo of the college I will attend comes up to me and a relief of not being lost takes over me. That has to be a good sign. "Hi. You have to be Enna. Welcome to the UK. I am Beth and I will be your contact person the following years." she waits for me to shake her hand and so I do with a smile. "If you come with me we can get your stuff in the car and drive right to the dormitory. Let me help you." She takes one of my suitcases and I follow her. She hasn't got a British accent and I am sure she works at the school.

Outside the airport I see this typical British black cab waiting for us and when both of us are in the car and save, she gives the address and we start driving. I see the city from inside the car and it looks mesmerising, I don't know in which part of the city we are now in but I can see people walking through a zebra crossing, other ones talking in a cafè they are sitting in. And the thought that I am one of them now gives makes me form a smile on my face. "Do you like the city," she asks me.

"I love it already." I say looking out.

"Great. We are not far away from the building, I will give you a quick tour also." She informs me in the passenger seat.
I nod.
As we drive through the street it can be seen that there are houses on both sides covered with pink or blue outstanding greek letters, they have to be the fraternities and sororities.

As the car stops and we stand in front of the campus, nobody is around and this reminds me of the fact that the semester is starting tomorrow. There will be chaos by tomorrow morning, everyone rushing to classes in order not to come late. Believe me.

At the end of the mini-tour that Beth gave me, she accompanied me to my dorm room.  Before entering the dormitory building she gave me the key. "This is yours." I thank her.

"So in your room will be Riley, quite a sweet girl from the second semester. She is in the United States right now but she is informed about you." she says while we go through the halls;  the walls are white, the doors made out of wood.

"Okay. Thank you, Beth."

"If you need anything regarding your stay here . We are always here for you in the dean." She stops in front of a door to a room. This has to be mine. "Thank you for everything." I thank her again. "Welcome to your new home" I hear her before she disappears in the halls and I stand there with my suitcases and a key. When I put the key in and open the door a room with an undecorated and a simply decorated half can be seen. The untouched side must be mine.

Half of the day I was stuck in here I try to get my shit done, my suitcases are now empty-my clothes hanging in the small wardrobe that was free and my dress form is my only highlight on my side. It was almost half past 10 when I was laying on my bed texting my parents that I landed save and am already in my room. I told them I would video chat with them every day but when I tried calling both of them no one picked up, so I sent a text. The door got unlocked and a black girl with curls and entered the room.


My wrist is already better and I was bored so I wrote a chapter

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My wrist is already better and I was bored so I wrote a chapter... Here it is. No more hints. I start to like this

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