Chapter 9

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"Hiiii" A smile appears on her face and a dimple forms on her right side. "You have to be Enna." I nod.

"Yes. Nice to meet you. And you are Riley, right?"
she nods and makes her way up to her bed to put her thing away and sits on her bed.

"I have heard you were coming. Nice to meet you too. " her attention slightly going to the dress form next to my bed. "So your Major is Fashion Design.?" she asks me.

"Yes. it is." I give her a smile.
And what is yours?" I ask out of curiosity. Because I have seen pictures on her wall with a guitar and other instruments such as lots of concert tickets glued on. My eyes are wandering back to her wall.
"Music and Theatre," she answers.

"Why two at once? That has to be really hard."
I wonder.
Why would you let yourself stress just to do two at once? This is kind of murdering yourself.

"After the end of the first part in your second semester, you have to choose a second major and I didn't want to choose History and Greek Mythological like the other creeps." she informs me.

That information hasn't been mentioned by my mum who organised this all. I have this dumb feeling that she did this on purpose. Not telling me, I mean. She always wanted me to attend this lawyer college which she went. And when I said 'no', which she hates to hear, she did me dirty. Thank you, mother.

"Oh. I didn't know that." I answer. I am kind of panicked... What am I going to choose and how will it be? I only wanted to concentrate on Textile Design.

"Don't freak out right now" She literally answers my thoughts. "You have fewer hours of your second major and won't be graded too hard-edged because your first major is more important." She comforts me.

"I was about to panic cause my evil mother arranged all this." I try to explain.

"An evil stepmother?" she asks and laughs.

"I wish. My biological mother." and I start laughing with her. I like her already. We could be good friends. She is relaxed and funny.

"I was almost ready to tell you an evil stepmother tried to get rid off you but I need to tell you that your real mother wanted to get rid off you indeed" She jokes about me.

She is already in her bed laying there and talking with me.

"Are you ready for your first day tomorrow?" she asks me with a serious face.."There is nothing to be scared of." She answers.

"It is not that I am scared of college, I am more or less scared if I will find any friends, if others will like me or not." I say. I just can hope she doesn't laugh at me. It is a stupid reason to be scared of... Right?

"Awww. Are you a Leo?" I am confused by her question then I remember what a Leo can be and it surprises me how she knows.

"Yes." I force a laugh. "How do you know?" I ask her. Just because I want to know.

"Leos always want to get that attention. You guys hate being ignored and you always think of what others may or will think of you. It is the most important thing in your lives." she tells me. The accuracy kind of creeps me out.

And I am surprised by how she can tell who I am by just a zodiac sign.

"But you are also really caring, you give endless love to the ones loving you too. But you can be a heartless bitch and if this bitch wants something she will get it." she says looking at my face. "Am I right or am I right?" she laughs and claps her shoulders as a gesture of being proud of herself.

"Where do you know all that? It is like you have known me my whole life. It is like you know who I am." I tell her maybe a little dramatic but I am profoundly convinced she knows me.

"An old friend of mine has a lot of knowledge in this and he taught me how to analyse people with the tricks of his father. Both are at this college, I am sure you will hear about them soon." she glances over at me with a smile and earns a nod.

Through the night we never stopped talking. She told me about herself and that she is coming from Colorado, a state in America.

She told me about having 2 little sisters and parents who worked their asses off that she could make it into this college.

  This is what I mean when I say some people have to work all their lives to achieve something and some are just born into money. I was too, I have to admit that I was born into money. And I feel bad, not for coming from a wealthy family but for people who can't afford what they want. Some can't afford the bare minimum and some buy food to throw it away. Instead of thinking only about ourselves what does it cost us to think about others too?

This takes me back to her, she almost didn't want to attend this college because of her parents. But she wants to give her family the life they deserve. When I asked her what she wanted to be she proudly said Singer and Songwriter and when she sang a snippet of a song I was mesmerised. Her voice was holy, a voice to protect at all costs. A pretty girl with an even prettier voice.
One day she wanted to be rich to help others, others to achieve their goals.

I almost fell asleep three times while we were talking and then I couldn't resist. It was not even midnight when I looked at the time on my phone but it felt like we talked for hours.
It is okay for me to stay up but I need my 7 hours of sleep a day or people can watch me turn into a beast. I already had my alarm set up so I wouldn't come late to my first day here and if it is impossible because Riley and I are having similar class times, she wakes up just 20 minutes after me.

I slowly drifted off when the room was covered in darkness and silence reached us both.

What do you think? Nobody reads this book but I am going to continue because the storyline is bomb af and the end is one shit of plot twist

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What do you think? Nobody reads this book but I am going to continue because the storyline is bomb af and the end is one shit of plot twist.

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