1 - Summer

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   You know how you have a bad day that transforms into a bad week? Then, you think that it couldn't get any worse than this and, of course, it does. Part of you is hoping that this will just pass when the other part of you, the pessimistic side, knows that this is probably just the beginning. Maybe, some time in the past, you did something bad and this is your punishment.

   That basically describes my whole summer. Not all of it was bad, but most of it was. I had those days where I just wanted to curl up in a ball and die. I never did that. I never showed weakness, which is a big deal for me. When Boyd and Erica went missing, I knew that I couldn't be that weak, little girl that everyone knew me as. I had to grow up and do it fast. 

   Derek was the one that enjoyed this new side of me the most. He liked that I was becoming strong and confident. I won't lie, though. I do have my moments where I just want to break down and cry, but when I do, I make sure no one is around. I have my moments where the shy and weak girl comes out. I can't help it. I've always been like that. Now, I've just gotten better at hiding it.

   My summer hasn't been completely terrible. Those days where I was able to be a regular teenager were my favorite. I became closer to Scott and Stiles. We are pretty good friends now. The best part about it is that Isaac doesn't mind when I spend a lot of time with them because he trusts Scott. There were days when Derek and Isaac would go searching for Boyd and Erica and I didn't want to be stuck with Peter, so I would dedicate my day to hanging out with my new best friends.

   Derek found a better place for us to live. We no longer have to deal with the subway station. Now, we live in a nice loft in downtown. I actually have a decent  room. All of us do. Peter is living with us, too. That part I'm not a fan of. He did rise from the dead. But, I guess, that means we have something in common. 

   The days that didn't suck are some of my favorite memories. The next day after I was told that Boyd and Erica were missing, I just wanted to never leave my bed. I assumed the worst and thought they were dead, so I had every right to mourn. Scott and Stiles surprised me by coming over and forcing me to go with them. I'll admit that leaving the loft was the last thing I wanted to do.

   That day was the kickstart of our official friendship. Sure, we've talked before in school and when we had to deal with the whole kanima drama, but I never truly got to know them during all of that. Now, we are actually friends. It's a really nice feeling. 

   It's a bit different with Scott, though. I don't know what it is. My body just reacts differently to him than it does when I'm with Stiles. Stiles could compliment me and I'd just smile and say thanks. When Scott does it, I feel my face burn red. It's weird. I don't understand it at all. Isaac just gives me a funny look when Scott is around, but he never says anything about it. Maybe I'm just going crazy.

   Summer made everything easier. I didn't have to worry about keeping good grades while balancing my hybrid life. I was able to stay out all night, searching for Erica and Boyd, without waking up way too early in the morning for school. All that is changing now. Everything is changing, including me. 

  I'm not going to let myself go back to being weak. I don't like having everyone being worried about me. I'm stronger than that. Like Scott said, I may not be a full werewolf, but when everything is getting to be too hard, I just need to find an anchor. I haven't found one yet. For a while, I thought my anchor was my brother because he's always been there for me when we were growing up. These days, I've realized that it's not Isaac anymore. He used to be my anchor, but, now, everything has changed. 

   Maybe, for now, I'll just have to be my own anchor. 


So, I decided I wanted to write a little something for this. This chapter was basically just a way for you to know what happened over summer. I'm not starting this quite yet. Like I said, I just wanted to write something small for now. 

Chloe will be hanging out with Scott and Stiles a lot more in this season. They'll be really good friends. And, yes, Chloe will be stronger and more confident, but she will still have her moments. She's just gotten very good at hiding them. 

This will be season 3A only. I decided 3B will be a separate story. I do have most of this season planned out. 

I'm still deciding if Lydia and Chloe should become friends. Tell me your opinion in your comment.

Question: From what you just read, what do you think will happen in this season?

So, yeah!

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