//two - confessing all of me//

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I heard Tyler calling my name downstairs to wake me up, but I was already awake; I had been all night. I glanced at the clock and saw the time was finally at six in the morning. I rolled from my bed and went to the bathroom, quickly showering before staring at the mirror and deciding the impression I wanted to make. Everyone already knew me even if I was going to a different school than I did before. I settled on light face makeup to hide the sleepless night I had then did simple neutral brown shadows on my eyes with mascara and adding chap stick before moving to my desk and fixing my hair. 

The blue was still vibrant from Josh redoing it before we went to Reading so I braided it to the side and added a grey beanie on top. Finally I pulled on black shorts that were slightly ripped at the thighs and a tour shirt for Fall Out Boy that Andy gave me. It was way too big so I tucked it into the shorts before grabbing a cardigan and sliding it on while I grabbed my bag and made my way out of my door. There was a heavy weight on my chest and sharp waves of fear washing over me every few seconds. I knew it couldn't be as bad as I expected, but I also knew what people in high school were like before I left. I can't help but expect it to be at least the same if not worse now. 

"Hey Lane," Tyler said as he saw me walking down the hall. "Hey Dad," I breathed, setting my black backpack by the door and taking a second to calm myself before talking to him more. I didn't need him seeing my freak out. "You doing okay, kid?" he asked carefully, knowing the answer but hoping it was not what he thought. "Fine." I saw him shake his head slightly out of the corner of my eye but I ignored it and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. Josh and Jenna came down soon enough and sat around at the counter with me, talking about nothing. It almost made me forget the anxiety; almost. 

"You sure you don't want me to drive you?" Josh asked while looking down at me leaning onto his shoulder. I sighed before nodding. "Yea, Andrew is getting me and going to show me around and everything. I'll be good." I smiled up at him before returning my gaze downwards and letting the grin fall. I wasn't good. But I did have Andrew. We've been dating for five months now and I purposely picked the same school as him, plus it was the closest to us. He'd make everything just the tiniest bit better. My phone vibrated harshly on the counter signaling that Andrew was leaving. Only two minutes of freedom.

I know it was my choice to go back, and Tyler would instantly let me back out if I wanted to. But I did want to go and experience something normal. I also wanted a senior year with my boyfriend before we had to worry about the future and school and careers. I just wanted an ounce of normality in my life. "Just call me if you need to leave. It's a big adjustment." Tyler said, looking at me with that caring and comforting look he had since the day we met. I smiled at him and got up, wrapping my arms loosely around his torso. "I promise, you'll be okay. Don't let people get to you." I nodded as a knock rang out from the front door. Andrew walked in a second later, grabbing my back pack and handing it to me before he kissed my cheek. "Good morning beautiful," he whispered, smiling. I giggled and hugged him before saying goodbye to everyone in the kitchen. With that, Andrew laced his fingers with mine and we made our way to his car, listening to whatever was on the radio. 

"Let's kick senior year off." I looked around and realized we were parked outside of the high school and Andrew was holding my door open for me. I blinked a couple of times to fully snap myself from my thoughts before getting out and instinctively leaning into my boyfriend's side. "You're gonna be great, Lane. I promise. Plus, most of our classes are the same." That was true, we had English, Statistics, Music Study, and a study hall together, plus lunch. The only thing we didn't have together was my graphic designing class and painting. I gave him a small smile before we made our way through the front entrance and found our first class. "Choose a seat, teachers here don't really care where we sit." I chose the back left corner, Andrew choosing the open seat on my right. The two of us talked about nothing, just making small talk and jokes when everyone else came in. The room seemed to go silent and when I looked up, all eyes were on me. There were a few whispers and maybe a chuckle or two, but other than that, just silence and curious stares. "Do I look that weird?" I joked, giving a huff of a laugh and continuing to play with Andrew's fingers. "I guess word hadn't fully gotten out that there was a new kid." he said amused, looking over his shoulder than back at me. In a matter of minutes, the bell had rung and the teacher was babbling about themes of the year and the required materials. All I remembered was needing a pen before I spent the rest of the class watching people's curious eyes. Statistics was even more mind-numbing so Andrew and I just doodled away.

Music study was just basically a group of ten people sitting around the band room and fiddling with instruments and chatting. That's when I heard the reason people kept looking at me. "Isn't she Tyler Joseph's kid?" a guy whispered near me and Andrew. The girl he was talking to was the response I was dreading. "Yea, some weird adopted girl he found. She's a leech from what I can tell." My eyes snapped up, meeting the black-haired, blue-eyed owner of the voice. She rolled her eyes at me before speaking a little louder. "She thinks she's talented or something. Most people in the fan base hate her though." I laughed a little, more as a way to hide the rising anger and despair that was flooding my mind. 

Andrew looked back at her and flipped her off before grabbing my hand that was gingerly laying across the body of a guitar. "Don't listen to her, you know it's not true." I squeezed his hand back but refused to look up. At least part of it was true, I was adopted and there were parts of the fans that didn't like me. They didn't mind me until I started doing covers at Tyler and Josh's request. After that, hell broke loose in the clique. The comment sections were brutal, hate being spewed and people trying to defend me. It was a full fledged war. That's why I didn't really perform much anymore and stayed out of meet and greets. "Lane, come on. Let's go to a practice room." I nodded as I gathered my stuff up. But that girl said one more thing that shattered my heart. "The worst part is what's under those tattoos on her arms. She's nothing more than some freak who got lucky." Her voice was no longer a whisper, but loud enough that I could hear her loud and clear. Most of the class probably could to. Andrew tried pulling me away, but I couldn't just not say anything. 

"You know nothing about me or my family, okay? You know nothing about me, so why don't you at least have the decency to talk out of my ear shot like everyone else does." She seemed a little shocked that I spoke at all but quickly brushed it off. She scoffed before standing up. The boy she was with pulled her arm down, obviously trying to control her. He gave me the most sincere look of apology right before that bitch said "I know that you're mom didn't want you then died, you're dad killed himself, and you're best friend died. He's probably happy he doesn't have to deal with such a bitch anymore. Honestly, all of them probably are." 

My mouth hung open from the audacity of her. No one had brought up Alex, or my parents, in months. And no one had ever confirmed my thoughts that they may be happier without me until right then. "Lex! Stop it, what's gotten into you?" the boy asked standing up and pulling her to the corner of the room. Andrew grabbed my limp arm and bag before carefully walking me into a practice room. I was still numb from her words. How could anyone ever say that? How did everyone already know all of my secrets? 

"Lane," Andrew said, sitting in front of me and grabbing my hands. "Lane," he repeated more sternly. I looked up to him, his face now bleared by on coming tears. "Oh babe," he whispered, pulling me into his chest. I brought my arms around his shoulders and tried to hold in my sobs. But it hurt. Hearing the past hurt. "You know what she said was wrong, you know she just wanted to get to you. None of it's true." I lifted my head from his shirt and looked into his eyes. "Drew, you've seen the comments. She's right, they hate me. She's right about my tattoos, my voice, my family. She wasn't wrong, she was saying the truth." He shook his head and cupped my face. "It's not true Lane, none of it." I rolled my eyes and sat back in my seat, letting the tears dry up as I wiped them from my cheeks. The bell rang, meaning I had my two classes alone before lunch and study hall. I got up and grabbed my bag, kissing his cheek lightly before standing and walking to the door without another word. 

"Lane," he called. "I love you, I'll meet you outside your last class and we can leave, okay?" I nodded and whispered "I love you too" back before walking out of the music wing and finding graphic designs. It was senior privilege that you can leave at study hall and if it was after a lunch period you could leave even earlier. Suddenly I was even more desperate to leave.

a/n: it's getting angsty. i'll probably write part of the next chapter and maybe get it up tonight. hope you guys like this so far. stay alive guys |-/

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