//nine - we will try again//

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Pete's POV

I walked from the dressing room with the images of Lane replaying endlessly in my head. All I could see was the skeleton she was becoming and the destruction that those words had caused. My legs carried me towards the stage where I saw Tyler standing and talking to crew. How the hell was I supposed to break this news to him?

"Ty," I said carefully, interrupting his conversation and making his head snap up towards me. He said goodbye to the guys that were once in a circle with him then made his way towards me. He gave me that concerned look he always got when someone talked to him seriously. "Alex touches Lane's upper arm and she winced so Brendon and I checked on her and, well, she relapsed." He gasped, looking down at his shows and running one of his blackened hands through his hair. 

"Why were you and Brendon the ones to check on her? Did you guys suspect something?" I bit my lip, trying to conjure up the right way to say the next obstacle that none of us had really crossed with Lane before. "Well, when we both hugged her, we felt her ribcage and hip bones protruding. We just checked, and it's bad Ty. All the hate had gotten to her and there's bad stuff at school." He nodded in understanding before running the palms of his hands over his face and exhaling deeply. "Dressing room?" he asked quietly, seemingly trying to keep his voice even. I nodded and guided him there. When we got to the door frame, Lane was still laying on the couch with her head in Brendon's lap and staring straight forward. 

"Lane?" Tyler asked, leaving the blue haired girl to look up and almost instantly burst into tears. "Aww sweetie," he whispered, pushing his way forward and opening his arms for her to roll into him. She did and found the crook of his neck to cry into. I could hear her whispering apologies and him trying to shush her. The scene playing out on the floor broke my heart piece by piece, seeing the girl who I once saw trying to die on pavement going back to the days just before that night. I walked out of the room, finding my own dressing room and closing the door. I sat there for what could have been hours, willing myself to believe that she was going to be okay. 

Lane's POV

We got back to the buses that night and I immediately started to go to my bed. Tyler had to tell Josh and Jenna everything and I couldn't be awake for that. I also was able to get away without eating today, most likely because they're not used to having to watch that. 

"Lane," Tyler called from the entrance of the bunk hall. I stuck my head out of my bed, waiting patiently for what he needed to say. "Food" he stated simply, walking over to me and offering me a hand to help me get out of the bunk. I groaned, making him look at me sadly and pull me into his chest. We went into the small kitchen and he made me a peanut butter sandwich, carefully slicing off the crusts and eating them himself. I stared at it, my stomach throwing around pure bile. I couldn't stand the thought of eating it, it sitting in my stomach, feeling it waste away. Just looking at it made my thoughts spin so I carefully pushed it away from me, covering my face with my hands. "Sweetie, you have to eat it." I shook my head, taking even deeper breaths, trying not to let the whirlwind of thought spin me out of control. "Lane," Tyler stated, a firm and cold tone attached. I looked up to him and back at the sandwich, the thoughts finally winning.

I stood up abruptly, pushing Tyler out of the way and making it to the bathroom before vomiting nothingness. Tyler came up behind me and sat down, letting me lean into his body as I heaved and tried to gather my breath. I heard his quiet shushing behind me, causing a small wave of calm to wash over me. "I can't do it, Dad." I felt him nod and kiss the back of my head before he led me to my bunk and watched me crawl in. 

I saw how exhausted he looked, how badly he just wanted to fix everything. But I couldn't be fixed forever, and now I think I'm beyond even temporary repair. 

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