//four - now i'm just a mess//

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Tyler's POV

I saw something in Lane's eyes that told me something was wrong. I saw it in Andrew's too. But, before I could even try to ask, she made her way up the stairs with Andrew hesitantly following behind. I was so scared for her. 

I know that fans have been giving her a lot of problems recently, and I also know how badly it's affecting her. She hardly ever performs now and never wants to go meet fans, usually staying with a different band or in the bus because she "doesn't want to ruin the fans experiences." Everyone in the town knew about Lane's story when her dad died and after Alex's funeral, they knew even more. School was something I knew would be hard for her but I didn't want to deny her the chance to go back and try again. She's been so much better the last few months, but by the end of summer I could start to see all of the hate and worry getting to her. I sat thinking for awhile, eventually getting back to working on lyrics and chords for a new album. It wouldn't be out for a long time, but soon, the band would need a long break to get back to regular life and leave the stress behind for a bit. It wouldn't be for another year or so though. 

An hour later, footsteps coming from the stairs made me look up from the piano and notes. "I'm heading out, see you guys soon," Drew called from the door way. "Hey! Before you go," I started, taking a deep breath, "is Lane okay? I know something bad happened today." He sighed heavily before looking back up to the staircase and making sure Lane's door was closed. 

"This girl from our grade was just saying a lot of shit about her and when Lane defended her self, the girl said all these awful things about her parents and Alex and Lane herself; this stuff about her tattoos and voice and why the fans hated her. I tried to tell her none of it was true but she wouldn't believe me. I thought she'd tell you but she doesn't want to worry you. But Tyler, it's tearing her apart. I know  it is." His words funneled through my ears as I tried to let them sink in. I never thought people's hate would be so forward. "I'll talk to her about it soon. Thank you Drew." He nodded before taking a breath like he was going to say something but stopped. "What is it?" I asked, dreading the question that came. 

"Did she eat breakfast?" I shook my head. "Okay, she didn't want lunch so make sure she eats something tonight." I nodded and patted him on the back before he said another goodbye and made his way out the door and into his car. I exhaled deeply before cleaning up all of my notes and chords and making my way up to Lane's room. 

Lane's POV

I laid there for who knows who long. I was just thinking about everything over and over again until it all seemed to lose its meaning. What was the harm in back sliding? Who would care? Tyler and Jenna, to them I might be family but I'm adopted, taken in because they pitied me. I know they could recover from anything. Hell, Tyler has gotten over the bridge incident and I wouldn't let myself fall that far again. Josh, well we're like best friends but only after Alex died. He just felt bad and didn't want to leave me with no one. If I hid the falling apart he'd never even notice and be just fine. Pete, Brendon, Patrick, all of the guys, well I mean, they may feel like they're my dads or older brothers, but the truth is, they all have families to focus on and I can't mean more to them then just something to keep them busy when they're bored. 

I just can't handle people thinking all of these things about me, saying these things and twisting the truth until it's just dust. I can't take it, and all I've ever known how to do when I'm feel helpless is fall. 

I sat up from my bed and stared intently at my bedside table, knowing that deep inside that drawer hid the last of what I said goodbye to on the night I attempted. As my hand reached for the drawer, a knock at the door startled me, making me jump back up on my bed. I felt my breathing hitch as Tyler's face appeared. Andrew told him, I know he did. 

"Hey sweetie," he said, sounding pained by what this conversation was going to lead to. I just gave him a small smile before moving over on the bed, letting him sit next to me and lean against the head board. 

My bedroom had the same dark grey walls and posters that it did when I got here. I added posters from the tours I've been on with them and a few other pictures of me and all of the guys. I stared straight ahead at a picture of me and Alex the day of my father's funeral. He was standing behind me with his arms around my shoulders and he was making me laugh. I loved that picture, but it just made me miss him more. And after Lex today, I can't help but think that he doesn't miss me at all. 

"He told you, didn't he?" I asked, not even bothering to look at him. Tyler nodded, sighing. "It's not true Lane, none of it is true." I was so sick of people lying to me. It was true, it'd always be true. 

"Yes it is Dad!" I said, raising my voice before climbing off the bed and pacing around. "She was right, I got off lucky being adopted. I was just a freak from a broken home who got lucky. My friend died and he's better off without me terrifying and bothering him. Under my tattoos are just me being a complete and total show off and attention whore. When I go on stage, you can the disgust in their eyes. I can't even go through social media anymore without seeing at least ten comments about me or calling me out or trying to hurt me. Well, I can't take it anymore! I can only handle so much at a time, Dad." By now I was shouting, not at him, but the world. He knew that, but the look of shock on his face still made my heart sink. "Everything she said was true. They're all better off without me." Tyler looked up to meet my eyes, furiously shaking his head like he did the night I ran to the bridge again. 

"Daddy, I'm so scared" I whispered, holding my cardigan sleeves to my eyes and trying not to sob. In an instant, he was there, holding me and telling me everything would be fine. But I can't believe him. Not that easily. Hours had passed of us just being together. It was nice, the quiet and the companionship. 

"Let's go eat, Andrew said you haven't eaten all day." I internally groaned. The thought of food was repulsive. I stood up and followed Tyler out, latching onto him for dear life as I picked through a plate of spaghetti heated up in the microwave and scraping half of it into the trash when Tyler walked out of the kitchen for a few minutes. We hardly talked the rest of the night. I eventually went up to bed and right as sleep was finally going to wash over me, I got a facetime call. Brendon's name played across the screen. 

"This better be good Urie," I sassed, turning the brightness on my phone all the way down. "Tyler told me." I groaned and rolled over onto my pillow. "I'm fine Bren. Everything will be fine." I saw him study me with his eyes and shake his head. "Lane, don't back slide, okay? You're worth too much for that." 

I heavily sighed, replying "Brendon, I can handle myself. I'm going to be fine and I can do what I want. I'll be fine. I love you." With that, I hung up, tossing my phone across the room in annoyance and taking a breath of relief when I heard it land softly in the pile of clothes in my room. How was I going to pull all of this off? And would Brendon really drop this?

a/n: is this getting too serious too fast? like I can only write well when it's sad so I sincerely apologize. drink water, love you, stay alive guys |-/ (also this song jams)

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