I pissed off Tiny, oops.

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I HATE Sunday's.

Until that afternoon I never understood the term bloodbath. Within a few minutes we were slipping in the stuff.

Me and my friends charged into battle, keeping close to me. Alex fought like a demon, a blur of pink, green, and gold wire. Her garrote lashing out when anyone came near her, getting quickly decapitated. We ran down a hill, already slick with blood. I tried desperately to not fall on my own sword. Suddenly a axe came flying from behind. I dropped and rolled, narrowly missing it, slicing through the air where my head was moments ago. Soon I was standing at the bottom of the hill gasping slightly.

A man in medieval armor swung a mace wildly at my head, I cried and lifted my sword to block. Our weapons clashed and I felt a surge of strength, knocking his weapon away. Then out of no where Mallory's knife embedded into his chest. Right between his armor chinks. He fell dead to the ground and the red head slid down next to me to retrieve her knife.

"Good reaction time for a newbie! Magnus was as helpful as a fire hydrant his first battle."

"Hey!" A yell of protest came next to us, Magnus and the rest catching up. Miraculously no one had died yet.

We continued on. Halfborn waded through his enemies, his axes whirling, chopping of heads and limbs in every direction until he looked liked he was just hit by my famous paint filled water balloons, but only in red. It was was absolutely horrifying.

But the most disturbing part? The einharjer treated it like a game. They had all died to be here, how could they possible enjoy this when they knew the cost of death.

They didn't seem to care. TJ hummed Yankee Doodle while he stabbed and parried with his bayonet. Mallory used one on one combat style, leaping up onto their shoulders, bringing them down and slicing their throats before quickly moving on to the next person. Magnus stuck close to me, we stayed defense, his sword and shield raised, blocking and stabbing quickly at anyone who charged us.

I yelled to him over the echoes of battle, "why haven't you pulled Jack out?!"

Magnus shrugged and whirled around me, stabbing a berserker that was coming at me in my blind spot. I nodded in thanks and yanked him to the ground to avoid a stream of arrows that came from soaring from above.

"He hates being used for such unimportant missions and battles, he only comes out for dragon day. He's on my chain because he's in time out. A person insulted him or something so he stabbed them when he was floating about."

"No impaling in the lobby?" I joked as he dragged me ahead, keeping me up with the rest of the group. We reconvened and there was a break in the mass of murderers. Leading right into the woods.

This time I took the lead, staying low to the ground. I'm not entirely sure how I did it, swiping my sword at einherjar's legs and knocking them down, hurdling body's that came crashing toward me. I didn't kill anybody though.

Even though TJ assured me that death wasn't permanent here, I had a hard time believing it. It's the one thing nearly everyone is sure of on earth. You live life until you die, then you stop living. That's what death always meant to me.

I sliced a spear that came flying at my face, a girl by me had her guard down, I could've made a blow but I hesitated. Bad move Swifty
I thought as she whirled around, throwing her javelin straight through my shoulder, knocking me down.

Pain flared all the way down to my toes. I felt like my blood was acid. I screamed in pain. My friends were quick to help. Halfborn chopped her down and created a wide birth so that Alex and Magnus could grab my arms and haul me into some cover in the woods. Magnus quickly went to work while the rest gave us some cover.

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