Drink me: Sigurd, Quan, and Eldigan

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  I had no idea where this was going and I ended up with an overdramatic Eldigan and a bitchy (if you'll excuse the misogynistic language) Quan. 


"I'm dropping out of the Academy."

Sigurd raised his eyebrows. "Eldigan, we've had only one drink each. What the hell are you on about?"

Eldigan sighed. "My performance in evaluations today was absolutely pathetic. I'm doing a disservice to my family and my country if I stay and continue to humiliate myself."

Quan rolled his eyes. "This again? You'll dishonor your folks if you leave!"

Sigurd punched Eldigan in the shoulder. "Come on, man. Cheer up!"

The Agustrian slumped onto the bar, dejected.

Quan groaned. "He really can't hold his liquor." 

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