Saleh: Poor Advice

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  The prompt was "Saleh steps in and does relationship counseling for Lyon, everything goes better than expected." 


Saleh is just as surprised as the royal twins are when the prince of Grado emerges alive from the final battle.

"I...wasn't ready to leave," the purple-haired magic user says, collapsing into Prince Ephraim's arms.

The army's members go their separate ways, but Princess, no Queen Eirika shows up in Caer Pelyn a few months later. (But as they're in Caer Pelyn, the distinction doesn't really matter.)

"We're trying our best to help Grado recover," she says. "However...Lyon seems insistent on further reparations."

"That's understandable."

"Yes, but his reparations go beyond soldiers and economic aid." She smiles weakly. "Frankly, I'm surprised there are still individuals willing to serve in the country's army and money in its coffers!"

Saleh breaks out into a cold sweat. Could she know?

"Well, Lyon has written love poetry-rather florid love poetry, I might add-to my brother, and has asked for my hand in marriage." She sighs, then looks at Saleh, eyes expectant. "You know that I hold your opinion in the highest regard...How should I let him down gently?"

The Grado emperor clearly had not paid attention to what Saleh had said. You made sure your apology was accepted and made the situation as right as it could be before making any romantic overtures.


GerikxSaleh allusion? 

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