Tarantism: Sylvia

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Another older fic, which is why Lene is called Lene. I like her new name better :)


It's just the three of them left, as far as Sylvia knows.
They would have run into someone from the army after a few weeks seeking safety, right?
Alec looks through their meager belongings for the tenth time. "We're definitely broke."
But Sylvia has always had one standby, and Leen needs to eat. "We need to find a tavern."
The tavern's patrons aren't exactly welcoming of a couple and their child in the best of situations, but Sylvia and her family are more disheveled than the worst drunk in the place.
Just like the old days, Sylvia walks up to the bar, Alec trailing just behind her and holding Leen's hand.
After some bargaining, the bartender promises a meal in exchange for a dance.
This time, she's not just feeding herself.  

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