PentxLouise: Modeling AU

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She's seen him in the ads before. He always seemed so dignified, so handsome. But now he's human. And wonderfully so.

"I'm Pent Reglay," he says, shaking her hand. "You're new to the agency, right?"

"Right," she responds, sounding much more composed than she feels. "I'm going to be featured in the sports shoot."

"Really? They expect a lot of publicity for that."

"They do? Wow, I never expected my first job to go like this."

"I'm sure you'll do fine," he says, smiling. "So, how did you end up involved in this shoot?"

"I guess you could call me an athletic person," she replies, shrugging. "I appear in the paper often."

"You say that so casually!"

She laughs. "I like archery the best, though."

"You do? That's actually perfect. I've always wanted to try that."

Surprising herself, Louise grabs his hand. "Perhaps we can go to the range after work?"

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