Einherjar AU: EirikaxDeirdre

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The dead are haunted by the dead, Eirika's realized.

Well, perhaps that should be qualified.

She's not dead, certainly, but she does not look like Robin, flushed with vigor.

She's there. She can feel pain. She does not hunger. She does sleep. And she can remember.

Perhaps that's what she is. A memory.

A memory burdened.


She sees Lyon a few days after she reawakens.

There's no time to process how she feels.

She runs to him, his back to her, sunshine reflecting off of his wavy hair-

Wavy? No.

It isn't him.

Disappointment and relief flood her as she stops running, standing a foot from this unidentified person. She exhales.

They turn around. "Oh, I'm sorry..." Their voice is soft.

Eirika shakes her head. "No, I apologize. I mistook you for someone I knew from my world." For this person has the same aura as her.

The stranger twirls a tendril of their hair around their finger. "Many of us look similar, I've noticed."


They stare at each other.

Eirika speaks first. "I am Eirika of Renais. And you are?"

Her companion hesitates. "I am Deirdre of Granvalle." Eirika's heard the country mentioned in her other encounters with strangers.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Deirdre," she says, extending a hand.

Deirdre takes it. "A pleasure indeed."


They talk of superficial things at first. One never tells their tale, or of their war.

The first clue occurs when Eirika mentions her brother.

Deirdre's smile is forced.


  EirikaxDeirdre is my crack OTP that I treat like a canon one.  

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