Chapter 10: Internment

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After the Sports Festival, you were surprised when you got an offer for an internship at his agency seeing as you basically lost control of yourself in front of a massive crowd of important people.

Since you really didn't understand how the internships worked, you just went with your first offer.

You had no idea at the time that this man was the number 2 hero, you thought he was just Todoroki's dad being nice.

Endeavour was both exactly like you imagined, and nothing like you imagined. He was extremely strict, not even giving you a second to breathe. Yet he still made sure to personally mentor you, something warranting the envious stares of upper year interns.

Saying that the next few weeks were intense is an understatement. Endeavour had you shadowing him on patrol, and he even helped you develop more efficient ways to use your powers since it obviously took a toll on you. He showed you how he concentrated his hellfire to make devastating, concise attacks, and convinced you to concentrate your dark energy in a similar manner.

You didn't tell him that you didn't exactly have control of yourself if you use predation too long. You didn't want to tell anyone what happens if you exceed your time limit. It's better you just calm down and don't use your quirk. Let them believe it's the natural limit of a "quirk".

News of a hero killer doing exactly what the title entails spread faster than Endeavours hellflames. Iida seemed to be the closest to the radius of attack due to his internship. On patrol today, you were used to Endeavours rhythm. Quick and efficient takedowns of villains. He left the more "help the old lady cross the road" type things to you, but he still let you help out with the stronger villains.

For some reason Midoriya sent you and all his contacts his location. Weird. Maybe he's just excited about his internship.

"Hold on." You thought.

"That's not the district he's supposed to be in, that's Iidas prefecture."

Just then you could hear a massive explosion coming from nearby.

A large dust cloud spread from the location.

"Lets go!" Endeavour barked.

As you approached the scene, you expected to find the hero killer, but instead you found a boy around your age with messy sandy hair standing near the explosion. There wasn't anyone else around. What unsettled you was how calm they were, and how everything seemed to be turning to sand around them.

There was something eerily familiar about him. A strange state of likability, as if you'd known him forever. However for someone like you, familiarity meant nothing but great news. He turned to face you, soft brown eyes meeting yours.

"Hey." He said with a warm smile.

"Who are you?" Endeavour asked frankly.

"I'm... not really sure. Most people call me Anubis. Ani for short."

"What happened here?" Endeavour was point blank in his approach. No pleasantries.

"I had a job to do and then, here we are. Not sure what I was supposed to be doing though."

He looked up at the sky as if the answer were somewhere there.

"That doesn't answer my question."

Just then the ground below him turned to sand, and began to swirl around him.

He looked back to Endeavour and to both your surprise, his eyes were glowing bright purple.

"They call me Anubis cause of the sand. Well, that and I tend to kill people a lot."

A Light In The Dark - BNHA x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now