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    Bucky stepped forward as Wanda's brother moved out of his way. Bucky kept his eyes on you, he grabbed both of your hands and brought them to his lips.
    "Yes, I love her with ever fiber of my being." Bucky replied to him, his gaze never leaving yours. "And if rescuing the angel from the pits hell makes her happy then I will go down there and rip him out myself."
    "That's good, cause I need you to go with me." The Pietro replied crisply, walking towards the door. "Getting in will be the easy part, it's getting out that will be a bitch."
"te iubesc." Bucky said softly, his hand reaching out and softly stroking your cheek. He gave you a brisk kiss before vanishing with the silver haired man.

Pietro walked down the scorched and blackened rocky steps, heat rising, causing the hair on his head to damped by sweat. Bucky's heavy boots barely made a sound as the two continued their descent into the bowls of Hell. Slowly making their way to the pit, a place for the damned to spend till they swore their obedience to Hell'sArmy. The smell of sulfur stung Bucky's nose the further he went.
Long forgotten memories slowly started to edge forward in his mind. Ones of the fire, and the torture, the pain he had endured at the hands of Tony and Banner. A chill ripped down his spine as the brick stones leveled out, they had reached bottom. He took a deep breath following Pietro, hundreds of human forms chained into the abyss, fires coursing over their limbs. Wails of pain and screams of terror deafened the once demon-angel.
There in the center for all to see was hell's newest fallen. Steve was strewn up, bound by heavy chains that were glowing neon hot red as Hell Fire traveled up his body. The Unholy Flame, white hot, traveled down his once white wings, the smell of burning feathers brought back so many haunting emotions. Bucky walked up in front of Steve, the former angel slowly lifting his head, looking up at the one that once was a demon.
    "Bucky." Steve cried out softly, Bucky looked around.
    "There is only one thing strong enough to cut the chains that bind him." Pietro said from Bucky, his eyes ever scanning for loose demons.
     "I know." Bucky replied, he closed his eyes, opening his left hand.
    Slowly he felt the cool metal of the heavenly blade slide down into his palm. It felt like home, the way it felt in his hand, the weight of the weapon, it was something he knew he missed the feeling of. Slowly he opened his eyes, he swung the blade back, up and over his head before bring it down sharply into the chains. It sliced through them like butter, freeing Steve immediately.
    "My, my Rumlow was right. You have switched sides." Tony's words sharp and crisp behind Bucky. Pietro was gone when Bucky slowly looked over his shoulder at the demon commander behind.
   His body pivoted, black mist filled the air around Bucky, his human clothes replaced by the tactical black he had adopted while in his time in Hell. His eyes swirling between the vibrant heavenly blue that angels had and pure jet black, showing that even though he had his grace back a part of him would for always be part demon.
    "Stark." He hissed, Steve had fallen to his knees. His body shook, shock had set in, pain still coursing through his newly burned body.
"I don't like you touching my things." Tony clipped, mist swirled slowly around him, his gunmetal wings forged from hell's gates around out on either side him. His natural wings long gone, his own weapon dropped from his finger tips as he stared Bucky down.
"Tough shit, I don't give a damn!" Bucky responded as his body moved into action.
Steve laid curled helplessly as he watched the two fight, every ounce of his being continued to burn without the flames and fire being on him. Weapons striking against on another, the sounds the two contrasting metals made was akin to the sound of thunder rolling through the pits of hell. Demons slowly crawled from whatever crevices they resides in, watching in amusement as the one in charge fought against his second in command, defending the one creature they were doomed to fight for eternity.
Steve watched on in amazement, having never seen the demon that once was an angel fight using a weapon forged from the gates of god, the way he moved was fluid. He had never realized in his own fights with Bucky that he had moved with grace and determination or maybe it had been the fact that Bucky had never really wanted to defeat him as he did Tony.
Both men sprang back from one another as Steve began to push himself up off the soot covered floors of hell's pit. Bucky's chest rose and fell with each heavy breath he took.
"Maybe you aren't as loyal as I thought!" Tony yelled at Bucky, Bucky's snarl slowly turning into a smirk.
"I am loyal, to those who are loyal to me!" Bucky shouted, his eyes darting around the room as lower forming demons crawled down from the walls. Bodies formed from smoke and despair, figures withs razor sharp teeth and jagged skulls. He stood straighter, willing up all of the energy his heavenly essence could muster, eyes glowing electric blue, pure white wings spreading out.
Wisps of white light began to swirl in his left hand, slowly the Holy Rapier, one of the few things on heaven, earth and hell that could destroy any being on the planet was conjured to his hand. Tony grinned as black mist wrapped around his own hand, the long jet black metal of the Unholy Dagger materialized.
Steve's heart skipped a beat as for one brief tense moment time through the planet stood still. The second fallen angel in the world, hell's second in command and Tony stood staring each other down, it was silent. Something very rare in the depths of hell was a moment of silence.
And then Bucky moved.

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