Chapter 5

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Dear diary,

Richard Piekar and I have been on this boat for about a week now. I am ashamed to say that nothing noteworthy has happened except our continuous bickering. Today, though, something did happen. Richard Piekar was looking for snacks or something in the boat and I was attempting to go fishing. I was going pretty lousy when I felt something pull on the rod. I admit diary, I got excited and I began reeling my fish in, but suddenly, I was thrown overboard into the mouth of this huge whale. I was terrified, but I realised that Pi didn't get eaten by a whale so therefore I have outdone him. That was the whole goal of this journey and I have achieved my goal. But what good would it be to go on an adventure and get killed halfway through it? No good. So that is why I will set about working out how to get out of the whale. I need to get back to main land so I can sell my dairy and make millions. And brag about how I survived being eaten by a whale. But first, let me find some chicken.

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