•It's a Matter of Trust•

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Chapter title~ lyrics from "A Matter of Trust" by Billy Joel•
I watch the buildings fly past us as we make our way to rescue my mom. We approach a red light when I notice a dark black Lamborghini waiting to make a right turn onto the road my friends and I are going to get on.
That looks like Aunt Jane and Uncle Mike's car...
I stare intently at the windshield window. I squint my eyes, trying to see who is driving.

The driver comes into view. My throat closes up. I whimper as we pass the car. "Coral? Coral, what's wrong?" I open my mouth to answer Henry, but all that comes out is a small squeak. I hear Evelyn move around in the back seat.
"Holy crap." She whispers.
"What?" Henry asks, concerned. Evelyn points to the car.
"That's Coral's aunt and uncle." Henry follows Evelyn's finger.

"The people in the Lamborghini?" I nod, not taking my eyes off of the people who ruined my life.
"Why would they be turning onto the same road we're going on?" Evelyn wonders. I turn away from the window, my mind racing.
"I-I think, they-they found out about my mom." I stutter. No one says anything. The light turns green and I stare at the Lamborghini as we pass it.

"They're going to the aquarium, I know they are." I say confidently, finally finding my voice.
"Maybe they're not." Evelyn chimes in. I turn around in my seat and stare at her. She gives a shy smile.
"Just trying to lighten the mood." I roll my eyes and face forward.
"How would they have found out?" Henry asks. I shrug helplessly.
"I'm not sure."

I take a peek at Henry. His jaw is clenched, making his jawline more prominent. His hands grip the steering wheel, turning his knuckles white. His eyes stay focused on the road, but I notice a hint of determination shining in them.
Why is he so determined to help me?
"You called Maggie, right?" Henry glances at me but quickly returns his gaze to the road.
"Yeah. She said she would meet us in the underwater viewing zone of Winter the dolphin."
"Winter the dolphin?"
"Yeah, you know, the dolphin who lost her fin and has a prosthetic one. They made the movie 'Dolphin Tale' about her." My eyes widen.

"Wait, Winter is at this aquarium?!" Henry nods.
"Yeah." I look back out the window.
Is there a reason they brought my mom to the same aquarium? Or is it a coincidence?
"We'll get your mom back, Coral." Evelyn reassures me.
We better.
We arrive at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium. After parking the car, we head inside and pay the admission fee. I look around me, watching all the people running around trying to get to the place they want to go. I feel someone lace, their fingers into mine. I turn and see Henry watching me.
"Stop worrying, Bubble Brain." He whispers. I roll my eyes.
"Stop calling me that." I whisper back.
"You know you love it." He smirks.

I roll my eyes again. Evelyn walks over to us.
"Alright, let's skeety bop bop to Winter's underwater viewing area." I burst out laughing and Henry joins me. Evelyn stares at us.
"What?" She asks, dead serious.
"Nothing." I answer, trying to suppress my giggles. We start heading in the direction of where we're supposed to go.

I keep my eyes out for Aunt Jane and Uncle Mike. Thankfully, they're nowhere in sight. However, the fact that I don't see them worries me.
Maybe they weren't coming here, I tell myself.
We approach the tank that Winter is in. I watch as she twirls in the water, putting on a show for the people. All of a sudden, Winter stops twirling. I feel something pull me towards her. As I walk over, she swims up to me.

I stop at the glass, Winter floating in front of me. I reach my hand up and touch the cool glass. Winter smiles and touches her nose to the glass where my hand is. "How did you do that?" I whip around and see a girl with a white lab coat watching me. She has auburn hair tied up in a high ponytail and freckles covering her nose. Her light green eyes shimmer with curiosity. Henry steps up to the girl.

"Hi Maggie." Maggie smiles and hugs him.
"Hi Henry," she turns to me. "That must mean you're Coral. Henry has told me a lot about you." I raise my eyebrow at Henry. His face heats up and he looks away from me. I smirk and extend my hand to Maggie.
"That's me," I answer while shaking her hand. I grab Evelyn and bring her over. "This is my friend Evelyn." Evelyn gives a shy smile. Maggie shakes Evelyn's hand and turns towards the three of us.

"I'm so happy you guys could make it. We need to make sure we have a good, solid plan."
"How's my mom?" I blurt out. Maggie gives me an apologetic look.
"She's not doing great. The tests are starting to take a toll on her." My heart sinks.
"What do we have to do?" Henry questions. Maggie looks at us.

"First, I need to know that all three of you trust me." I tense.
"Why?" I whimper.
"Coral, I know you have a hard time trusting people, but your mom's life is on the line." I look at Henry. He has a serious expression on his face.
"Fine," I snap, turning back to Maggie. "I trust you." I mumble. Maggie lets out a breath.
"Good. Now here's what we're going to do."

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