4. Malfoy manor ✔️

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Talking to death, life or time
Point of view/Authors notes

Olivia's point of view:
The malfoys and I go Gringotts quickly, i deposit some more money so I could have enough for a wand and possibly some more things to make my experience in this life more enjoyable.

Once we leave, we go to Ollivander's. He still creeps me out. I mean you would be to. Anyways we get inside Ollivander's and as soon as we step a foot inside he turnst his head and looks at me.

"I thought I'd be seeing you Olivia potter, you have your mothers eyes. It's like yesterday she came and bought her wand." He says. Ok... creep.

After him measuring my right arm we tested out different wands. I tried almost all the wands in the store. Of course I knew which my wand was. But that was before my core was unblocked.

He handed me one more box. The box was brown with different symbols on it. He opened it and handed the wand to me. I felt a power rush immediately and waved the wand. This is my wand.

Ollivander eyes widen. "This wand uses all three cores. It's one of the most powerful wands in existence. Maybe a little less powerful then the elder wand"

I look back at the wand and smirk. 'This will be very helpful to defeat dumbledork'. I thank Ollivander and we all exit the shop.

"Draco hold on to your father's arm and Ms.Potter, hold on to mine." Mrs.Malfoy said. I did as was told, next thing I know is that where in there manor. I've alwaysed hated apparition. I always feel like throwing up after apparating but for the first time I just got dizzy.

I saw Mr.malfoy cast a tempus. It was right around lunch and we made our way to the dining room.

"Dobby!" he yelled. "y-yes m-master m-malfoy-y"he squeaked out "get us some food!" he yelled. "y-yes master." dobby said.

But before he left he was hit down by Mr.Malfoy. Oh poor dobby, I forgot about this. As soon as I saw that tears when in my eyes, ever since I was brought back by death my emotions have been harder to fully control. Eleven year old me never did have a full grasp on his emotions did he?

I zoned out of the conversation, thinking about my life before.

Mention of abuse scroll if wanted.

I was trembling in my room maybe 13 years old at the time. my uncle came in again drunk. He took off his belt and started beating me with it.

He smacked me across the face leaving me on the floor. Next thing I knew he started using his fists. Then a knife. "please stop. Please beg of you. Please stop"I pleaded and pleaded but he never stopped .

Once he heft I got the healing potions i stole from snape. I looked down and I saw my shirt covered in blood. I quickly took the healing potion and went in my bed. Wishing , hoping someone would save me, or kill me so I wouldn't have to live here anymore.

*end of flashback*

I look at Dobby and back at Mr.Malfoy. I get up and help Dobby up. After he was pushed around again by Mr.Malfoy. I look at him in sad eyes and say, "hi dobby my name is olivia. You don't have to be afraid of me. I'm not gonna hurt you." he looks at me with eyes filled of hope and fear. As I see this I hug him and say "I promise I will never hurt you dobby. Now please leave I don't want you to get more hurt". He nodded then leaves then I turn back to Mr.Malfoy.

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