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I was pissed off. Ever since that stupid boyfriend of Brooks showed up I'm pissed off. Once he left us, we started eating again but the awkward silence just wouldn't go away.

I can't help but feel jealous. Jealous of him having her whenever he wants. I know this chick is crazy for me but it is obvious that she doesn't love me. At least not yet. But the fact that she has a stable boyfriend and she loves him makes me wanna throw up.

Now we're on our way back home. Obviously still with the awkward silence presence. Sometimes Brooks says something to cheer Cole up and I Just watch them laugh together. Damn that is a great scene.


I couldn't help but keep thinking about all the shit I've got in my mind right now. I have a boyfriend but still I can't get my mind off my boss who's happily married with a child.

This is fucking crazy.

A huge hand plastered on my uper tight breaks all my thoughts and suddenly I feel my body relax.

Shawn's touch could make me have chills all over my body in less than a second. It literally is kind of crazy how just a finger of him on my skin can make me feel. Damn it, he doesn't even have to touch me to drive me crazy. He just can look at me and I am all his. It's not my fault tho, it's his confidence's.

The worst part of this is that he knows what he causes every time he touches me. Even though is not a sexual touch, even though I'm not even thinking about craving his touch sexually right now. I just need to be sure that he's okay. That we are okay.

Not even realizing it we're finally at his house once again. I get out of the car the fastest I can and I leave to the front door with Cole in my arms.

Once Shawn is at the door, before open it he puts his left hand on my butt making me squeeze at this action. He continues as if nothing happened since his hand is still there whilst with other hand grabs the keys and opens the front door.

After playing for a while with Cole, he started feeling a bit tired (again) so I caught him between my arms and I laid him on his bed. Now he's an sleepy angel.

I make my way to the kitchen to cook something for Cole because I'm sure he's gonna be starving after his nap. He really eats a lot for a five year old kiddo.

While making a sandwich I feel two strong arms around my waist and a cool breath against my neck. Suddenly my neck starts feeling wet because of the wet kisses Shawn is leaving me and I feel myself biting my lip to prevent leaving a loud moan.

"Don't avoid it, baby girl. You know you want to moan my name." My legs feeling weak since the second I heard his rough voice.

I feel myself putting my head backwards to leave him more room to explore. His mouths never leaves my neck giving me a feeling I can't even describe with words. Finally, I give up and I let a loud moan leave my mouth.

This man is going to be the death of me.

Suddenly a bunch of confidence hits me and I grab his wrist bringing him to upstairs. To the red room.

I know I pissed him off without even wanting to with the Zig thing today at lunch. So I'm going to make it up for him.

We are facing the famous door and his faces turns to me leaving a smirk.

God, how can a human being be this breathtaking?

He slips his hand in his back pocket and grabs the gold key. Once the door is open I make myself into it and grab a chair that is near the bathroom door.

Then I realize that in here, there is a huge speaker and the best idea ever popped my mind. This should be more than enough to make him go crazy.

I connect my phone to the speaker. "Daddy is going to sit in this chair and he's going to wait patiently for me. Right?" He lifts his eyebrows suprised by my confidence. He glups, getting turned on by my tone and he nods making his way to the chair.

While he sits I walk to the bathroom and close the door. I get rid of my clothes leaving myself only in my underwear. Even though the speaker is not in the bathroom thanks to the bluetooth I manage to put "Earned it" by The Weekend since is the most turn on song I have.

Once the song is streaming I slowly open the bathroom door letting Shawn see all of me. With patience, he holds himself still at the chair and starts moving uncomfortably around. I make my way towards him moving my hips the best I could to tease him.

After what feels an eternity for both of us I arrive to the chair where he is. I make a turn around him and I stop once I'm behind him. I start touching all his torso with my hands softly and my lips leave wet and warm kisses around his neck.

I feel the urge in him but I'm not gonna let anything happen. At least not this soon. I continue doing my job avoiding the fact that he's already turned on and hard.

After a few seconds I turn again letting myself see his now sweaty face. Once he sees me in front of him he stands up and places his two strong arms around my waist making me closer to him. He starts licking one of my breast and I bit my lip to avoid the loud moan.

Then I remember this was not what I had planned. I place my hands on his shoulders to have more space between us. He stops and gives me a confused look. "Let me give you what you deserve, daddy. I know I pissed you off today, let me treat you for once".

He returns to his chair not breaking the eye contact with me. I take a deep breath thinking what I'm about to do. There's not a lot of song left so I decide it's now or never.

I turn around and conect my ass with his hardness starting to give him a lap dance. I move my hips at the rhythm of the song and I feel his cock getting harder and bigger if that's even possible.

The song finishes and I realize that this was a bad idea because he's not the only one who needs more now. I am, indeed, more than sexually frustrated and I know there's only one way to end this.

Fucking him.

I bite my lip at that thought crossing my mind but I cannot do that. He's my boss. It's true that we've already done things but we talked nothing about having sex.

Suddenly I feel a strong arm around me and my thoughts are interrupted by wet kisses around my neck. His touch is heavenly warm I could melt. With that I turn myself to him being now face to face and me on his lap.

He grabs my ass and starts kissing me with a lot of eager. He's craving what I am too. Slowly, I feel myself undoing our bodies just to go on my knees him giving me a huge smirk.

Damn, I could have this view every day and I would never get tired of it.

I start unbuttoning his pants and because of the need I have to have him in my mouth I take his underwear along with his pants.

I grab my hand around his dick. Even though it's not the first time I see it I cannot deny I feel quite scared. Yes, I have suck his dick once but yet, this cock was huge and I didn't realize until now that I'm staring at it.

He sees my worried look in my face and connects his hand to my hair rubbing it a little bit as if saying that everything is gonna be alright after this.

I encourage myself and I start by leaving a wet kiss on his tip, making him go crazy just with that. Once I see his reaction to my touch I tighen my hand around him and I put him in my mouth.

I start sucking all what I can and I rub my hand around the parts I cannot reach with my mouth. "Fuck baby, your mouth feels so fucking g-good" His mouth leaving loud and heavy moans because of me.

Then, suddenly, I feel the hand of my hair tighen up a bit. This is a big turn on to say me to stop. He, now, grabs me by my chin and makes my ear go really close to his mouth. "I'm gonna fuck you senseless, and this time nobody is gonna stop me".

I feel myself go wet after the second his mouth leaves those words just by imagine it.

I'm gonna fuck my boss and, as he said, nobody is gonna stop me.

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