Chapter 15

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Three white flower pots, home to three green succulents.

Zach had moved the charmed plants from his childhood bedroom window sill to the kitchen in the new house. Corinne was surprised by just how well he had been looking after the delicate little buds. He had been watering them regularly and it was clear to see that they were thriving.

A few of them had begun to grow red roots as fine as thread. They were stretching out for the soil to dig themselves into and form a new life. They were not only growing, but multiplying too. Caressing a thick leaf with her fingertip, Corinne couldn't deny that it was pretty interesting to watch.

The charm her mum had placed on them had long since faded, but the sight of the pots were a reminder of the gift she had given them. It was a memory of their wedding and the night that had followed.

Although they no longer brought any effects, the succulents were like a symbolism of Corinne's relationship with Zach. He was caring for the plants just how he cared for her. In the same way they grew, Corinne prayed she and Zach could too.

Her eyes slid from the succulents, through the window and out into the garden.

The next door neighbours had introduced themselves yesterday. They had popped out to say hello just as Zach and Jake had been bringing the bed inside. Calvin had darted around the fence between their houses to help them, whilst his partner Vanessa assisted Corinne in holding the doors open, and yelling at them to mind the chandelier in the hallway. They seemed like a nice couple, only a few years older than Corinne and Zach.

Vanessa had talked non-stop to Corinne about her daughter, Ava, who had spent the week with her dad. She sounded like a good kid, hilarious to be around. Corinne assumed the blonde head currently bouncing up and down over the garden fence was her's.

Their back garden was like a child's dream. It had a trampoline that Ava was likely currently on, a swing, and a playhouse positioned beneath an apple tree at the end of the garden.

The trampoline seemed to be a new addition, only appearing in the garden a week ago. As fun as it was to watch Ava's little head bobbing about on it, it had put ideas in Zach's mind. He was still adamant he wanted one, and Corinne was beginning to see there was little she could do to change that.

Corinne felt a smile tugging at her lips as Ava jumped high, her arms in the air. She seemed like she was having fun, and scanning over their own bare garden, Corinne felt the longing to see children of her own playing like that.

She could see herself stood here in a few years time, washing dinner dishes for a meal that had been for more than just herself. Zach wouldn't be on dates with Sara, and the house wouldn't echo with the sound of silence. He'd be right there with her, a child on one arm, another clinging to a foot. Corinne's smile grew into a full one at that thought.

Zach would be an amazing dad, the best. He was silly enough to not be afraid to get on his knees and play with children. Corinne could just see him with lego or barbies, creating huge towers or funny voices.

He made her smile, even when just thinking of him like this. Corinne knew with Zach by her side, she'd be forever smiling. She'd grow old with deep lines of laughter, and she wouldn't even care, because she'd be giggling too hard to even notice them.

Her heart was swelling, soaring at the thought. Corinne placed down the tea towel that she had been drying her dinner plate with, before putting the plate and cutlery away. When finished, she moved through to the living room, unable to resist the urge to stop and smile even wider at the sight of the framed photograph of she and Zach on their wedding day.

They were both smiling, eyes so warm and affectionate. His hand was firm, protective, around her, and Corinne was leaning back into his touch.

She had been nervous, and Zach had been too. The charms and potion had eased it considerably, but they had still been as scared as each other. She had trusted him though, and looking back at it a month on, Corinne knew deep down that even then she knew Zach something special.

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