Chapter 25

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Knuckles brushed against a warm thigh, the soft fabric of Zach's boxers. Corinne felt her fingers curl into the comfort.

A hand fell to her head, stroking, petting as if she was a little kitten. She practically purred at the touch.

Eyes cracked open, stuck together from sleep and the glare of the morning sun. Not that it could really be called sun, it was just the white light of daytime. Any sign of a fiery ball was hidden by the familiar British clouds.

"I miss summer..." Corinne missed the heat, the scent of freshly cut lawns in the air. Ice cream and suntans, days out at the seaside. It was all a dream though, a glimmer of what could be, that the entire country held onto for dear life. To admit the truth, that summer was just as grey, cold, and wet as the rest of the year, it was too depressing to cope with.

"And I miss you." There was a shuffling before Zach's kiss was pressed to the top of Corinne's head.

Waking up in the mornings like this made it almost worth it. Things didn't seem so dull and dreary when Zach's smiles were there to light the way. He added the colour Corinne was missing..

Not caring about morning breath, Corinne reached a hand up to curl around his neck, tugging him down for a kiss good morning.

Zach was sitting up in bed, a book between his hands, and a pair of glasses on his face that bumped Corinne's nose as she tried to find a comfortable angle. They both giggled a bit at it, and Corinne let him take charge in letting lips find lips. Her eyes were still too blurry with sleep to see properly. Zach's were wide open.

"What are you reading?"

"A book on crystals."

"Oh." She had bought that book along with two others on Saturday, and they had laid on the coffee table downstairs ever since.

Zach must have woke up pretty early to grow bored enough to go down to the living room to fetch the book. It was a Tuesday, and he was usually up early anyway for work, but he must have woke well before dawn to have time to read.

"Are you okay?" Corinne's hand slid over his lap, settling on his far hip. She snuggled in close, cuddling Zach's slide.

"Yeah. This is interesting; rose quartz helps vertigo."

"Okay..." Corinne wasn't really in the mood to think of dizzy heads, she would much rather Zach just put the book down and slid back under these covers to cuddle. If he had time to read, surely he had time for some morning sweetness?

"And blisters." She scrunched up her nose. Blisters weren't the morning sweetness she wanted either.

"Why are you even reading all that stuff?"

"Because I'm the same nerd I've always been?"

"Hm. A pretty sexy one." It was a small mutter under her breath, too quiet for him to hear, but it was the truth. Eyes slipped up to admire his expression of concentration, the glasses beginning to slide down his nose.

Corinne rarely saw Zach wearing his glasses, probably because he only needed them for reading, something she hadn't seen him doing a lot of lately. When reading the instructions for flat-pack furniture, which was as far as their reading material went these days, Corinne had been given the job of calling out the steps and passing the pieces. Zach liked doing the building.

He was hot wearing glasses though, like the sexy secretary trite, just in male form. He was like the hot boss that would punish you for not completing your work on time, or the teacher that would bend you over his desk and spank you hard.

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