Chapter 30

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NOTE: This chapter has was hell to write. I'm not happy with it, but after procrastinating for nearly a month over this, I've decided to just post it in order to finish the book, and give myself time to view it as a bigger picture before I begin editing. It's the first draft after all lol 

All feedback and advice is more than appreciated!

I also want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout this! I've had so much fun and you guys have made it amazing! Thank you x 

- Meg


Corinne couldn't keep the smile off her face as she twisted open the hooks on the picture frame, pulled off the back, and slid the photograph inside. The back was pushed back on again, and safely secured in place. Corinne turned it around to study it in admiration.

The frame was white, simple and sleek. It matched with the white of her dress that she was wearing in the photograph. Her wedding dress.

Her smile grew bigger as eyes scanned over the material, over the bouquet in her hands, the curls bouncing around her glowing face. She looked so happy, and so did the man stood behind her, his arms around her waist.

Zach looked so handsome in his dark grey suit, his eyes soft as they gazed down at Corinne, as she did the same up at him.

They had made the right choice by booking a professional photographer for their second wedding, seeing as how the only decent photograph from their first was a slightly blurry eyed picture, as they stood at the bottom of the staircase in Eric and Fiona's house. Corinne loved that photograph, and still intended to keep it standing in its rightful place on the mantle of the fireplace, but she was overjoyed to have this one beside it.

The photographer had known every pose in the book, turning them this way and that, ordering them to hold each other in different directions, and stare lovingly into each other's eyes. He had taken the perfect photographs, and Corinne hadn't been able to stop staring at them ever since she had collected them from him at lunchtime.

She placed the frame upright on the coffee table, leaning back to admire it one more time. It really had been the happiest day of her life to make things official with Zach. She was now, by law, Corinne Dubois. She had Zach's name, and his wedding band joining the engagement ring on her finger. Corinne was the happiest woman alive.

There was a ringing in the kitchen, and Corinne left the picture frame to answer the microwave's call. She had decided to heat up some leftover shepherds pie for dinner, with plans to pair it with some simple vegetables. The dish had just been taken out of the microwave, when the front door opened. 

The kitchen door into the hallway was closed over, so Corinne couldn't see him, but she heard the sound of the drawer in their hall table opening and closing as Zach put his car keys away.

There was a low mumble, muffled by the sound of her closing the microwave door, and moving the bowl away from the edge of the counter. Knowing Zach, it had probably been his curse after stubbing a toe or something.

"Zach?" Corinne abandoned the bowl. She gave her hands a quick wipe on a nearby towel, trying to hold in her excitement at finally having the wedding photographs in her possession.

The door pushed open with a slow squeak, and Corinne practically rushed across the kitchen and into Zach's arms. Her hands went to his shoulders, lips to his cheek as she practically bubbled over with glee.

"I picked up the photographs at lunchtime. They look so good." With a brief peck to his lips, Corinne reached down to grab his hand, ready to drag Zach with her into the living room to show him.

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