Chapter 24

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NOTE: I think I've rewritten this chapter 3 times lol And yeah, I'm still not happy. Tips are much appreciated!


"I didn't tell you about Sharon's weekend, did I?" Sandy's cheery voice called from the living room, her tone much perkier than how Corinne was feeling. It was only eight,  and she was already longing for bed.

"Who?" Corinne paused inside the double doors, eyes scanning the kitchen counters as a confused frown came onto her face.

"Fiona's friend. She was looking after her little dog for the weekend. You remember her, don't you?"

Corinne hummed along, remembering Mindy and how her owners had abandoned her for a dirty weekend in a dog's paradise. What Corinne couldn't remember though, was why she was in the kitchen. She had stepped in here for something, but what?

"What about her?"

"Well, I nipped over to Fiona's just before I left to meet you at the restaurant, and Sharon was there, picking up the dog. Oh, you should have seen the photos on her phone, Corinne. The scenery was stunning!"

Corinne stepped across to the sink, leaning on the worktop as she glared at the succulents on the window sill. Her new position didn't jog her memory how she hoped it may, and the fridge, the toaster, the tea towel by the sink; none of them whispered the answer. Corinne took another long look around the room, fingers massaging her forehead, as once again, she came up blank.

"Mum, what did I come in here for?" It was almost embarrassing to ask. Something nagged at Corinne telling her that she should know.

"You were going to make some coffee. Are you feeling alright, poppet?" Sandy sounded concerned.

Corinne shook her head at herself, pressing against the building pain at her temples. "I'm fine. Just tired."

The sleep was pulling at her eyes, the pressure in her head growing. Was that why the coffee had slipped her mind? Corinne shouldn't be forgetting something as basic as this. She felt so stupid.

"Hey, it rained for most of the weekend; surely they weren't able to get out and about much to see a lot of it?" She moved the subject back onto Sharon's holiday, checking the electric kettle was full of water before switching it on to boil.

Corinne needed this caffeine boost. Her body and mind were failing her today. She needed to keep up whatever energy she had left, at least until her mum went home, and Zach returned from his evening with Jake.

The rubbish bins needed to be put out on the roadside for the bin men to collect in the morning. Corinne needed to wait up long enough to find out from Zach whether it was the general waste, or the recycling this week.

She felt a smirk forming as she grabbed two mugs. This was the reality of adult life. It sounded so boring, but she didn't find herself hating it one bit. It must be a sign that she was getting old, very old.

Faintly, she could hear her mum saying something. Over the noise of the kettle, Corinne didn't know what. She grabbed the rest of her tea-making supplies, before going back into the living room.

"What did you say?"

"What do you call Sharon's husband?"

"Um. Richard?" Corinne knew it began with 'R', she couldn't remember what it was though.

"She had a photograph of her and him, stood in front of a lake. He's got awfully bald, dear. Very grey too. He used to be a lovely man, he looks old enough to be her father now."

Corinne didn't know what to say to that, so she slid onto the sofa beside her mum. Immediately her tired legs relaxed, overjoyed at a minute's rest.

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