Chapter 19

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As soon as Zach opened the front door to his parent's home, a flash of white shot past him and hit Corinne square in the shins. She staggered back, flailing to grab Zach's arm to avoid falling backwards down the steps.

"Mindy! Mindy, come here! Now!" The weapon seemed to spin at the sound of Fiona's voice, racing back into the house, disappearing around a door, and into the kitchen.

With wide eyes, Corinne looked at Zach, and his expression mirrored her own as he helped her into the house, closing the door behind them.

Fiona popped her head around the kitchen door a second later, the flash of white following her.

"What's that?" Zach pointed an accusing finger at what they could now both see was a small dog.

"Oh, this is Mindy. You remember Mindy? She is Sharon's dog."

"And why is she here?" Zach crossed his arms, giving his mum a pointed look.

"Sharon and Robert are away for the weekend. They're staying in a cottage in the mountains." Fiona turned back towards the kitchen, ignoring Zach's reaction. "She was showing me the website, it looks lovely. There are lots of great trails for walking, and beautiful scenery."

"Dogs like walks, why not bring it with them?" Zach nodded to the little dog, who was now racing towards him, jumping up on its back legs at the name of its favourite activity.

"Oh, Zach." Through the open doorway, Corinne could see Fiona shake her head at him with a light laugh. "You can't have a romantic holiday with a dog."

"Why not?"

Fiona turned, drying off her hands on a polka-dot apron with a small shy smile. "You know why...sometimes a couple needs some time alone."

Zach huffed, glaring down at the dog. As Corinne passed him, stepping into the kitchen, she heard the disagreeing mutters under his breath. Fiona was only out of the hospital, and it was clear Zach thought dog-sitting too much trouble for her to be getting into right now.

He was acting more like himself now than what he had been this morning, but Corinne knew that his heart was still hurting.

After their shower, once dried off and dressed, Zach had taken Corinne by the hand and led her downstairs to grab some breakfast. They had ate while cuddled up on the sofa in the living room. Zach had then followed her upstairs to get her hair and makeup done in preparation for lunch at his parent's house.

He didn't seem to want to leave her side today, taking every opportunity he could to have some part of their bodies touching at all times. Corinne had applied her mascara with arms around her waist, a face buried in her neck as Zach hugged her from behind.

It had been awkward, and she had nearly got it up in her eyebrows, but she couldn't deny that it was sweet. He hadn't stopped kissing her either, slow toe-curling kisses that took her breath away. It felt good to finally gave in and explore what they had longed to do for so long. They were comfort kisses, but that didn't make them any less pleasurable.

Corinne looked down at Mindy who was now sniffing Zach's shoes, her interest in them so strong that one might think he had stepped in cake or something. Speaking of cake, Corrine placed the shop-bought victoria sponge on the counter, sending Fiona a small sheepish smile.

"I wanted to bake something, but then I remembered that I've yet to buy any supplies."

"Oh don't worry about that, Corinne. It looks lovely." Fiona stepped across the kitchen for a quick peek, before back to the vegetables boiling on the stove.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" From the smell, it seemed that lunch was almost ready, but surely there was must be at least something that Corinne could do to be useful.

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