what should you never believe in life?

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Sometimes we feel we are always right than our parents opinions, don't we? I do. Most of the time. When i turned back to see some of my past decisions about important things, i feel like an idiot. How stupid i was back then? If i listened to my parents/teacher/ well experienced adults, i wouldn't do that/i would do that better.

Parents/adults are well experienced people than us. They know the world. If we listen and obey their advices more than we do now we can make our life more successful. Life is hard. If we are stubborn and going to handle it on our own without caring others advices( i mean not your friends. Your friends opinions are not important than your's.)  it is surely going to be more difficult.

I think that's one reason why most of the teenagers are suffering from depression, stress, anxiety etc. Not listening to adults and working  on their own opinions thinking they are right and other's don't understand it. Why not? They do understand. They are not blind. They can understand your every single step. Because they were also once a teenagers.

Well, sorry it was long than i thought. So here's what i am going to share with you today.
This is what 62 years old Rick Bruno have to tell us about life.

1) you don't know all about your life when you are 18. You also don't know about your life when you are 24,32,40,54.. you learn some stuff by trial and error, but there will always be something to learn about how it works.

2) don't believe what someone else believes just because someone else believes it. Even if someone who is an authority believes it. Your own truths are just as valid.

3) don't believe it's too late. If you are reading this, it's not too late. It's not too late to get that degree. Run that marathon. Take that trip. It's not too late to mend a friendship. It's not too late to forgive.

4) Don't believe losing is permanent.

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