Chapter 9- Leaving

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"Bryan. Mush. Jacobs'. Spot. You."

Medda greeted her students as they walked through her classroom, glaring at Jack when he came in.

"Mom, I didn't-"

Medda put her hand up. "Ferp!"


He sat down beside Davey again, the boy nodding back to Sarah to imply they had the same thing wrong.

"Well, guys, i've got your test results on Darwin to give back to you. And, uh, i'm pleased to see some of you have evolved since the last quiz."

Medda looked up with a smile, Mush looking around the room with a smile of his own.


"...Thanks, Mush."

"Well, you were drowning, ma'am."

Medda started handing back papers from the front.

"Mr Higgins."

She gave him his paper and he flipped it over to look.

"Mr Morris, nice work."

She walked around to give Mush his paper. "Mr Meyers."

"'A', number seven hundred. Huzzah!"

He took a noisemaker out of his book bag and blew it directly in Jack's ear, making the boy nearly knock everything off his desk.

He looked at the last paper in hand. "You."

Davey looked at Racetrack.

"You okay?" he asked hesitantly.

"She gave me an 'F'."

"That's nuts, you're a solid 'D' student."

"Mr Morris. I took particular not of your position that evolution does not preclude the existence of- how did you put it?"

"'A guiding hand that has your best interest at heart'."

Race raised his hand.

"Yes, Mr Higgins?"

"You failed me."

"Why don't we talk about this after class?"

"What's there to talk about? You failed me. You think i'm a failure."

He grabbed the paper and offered it to Medda.

"There's nothing more for you to teach me."

"Oh, come on, all three 'a you gotta say that?"

The whole class was silent as Racetrack calmly got up from his seat, Spot watching helplessly and Crutchie having an unreadable expression as Anthony Higgins walked out the door of Medda Larkin's classroom.

"You mean I lost you three? Anthony!"

He turned back.

"You do not walk out of here."

Racetrack stayed still for a second, before walking out of the room and into the hall.

Davey and Jack raised their hands.

Medda nodded towards the door. "Go."

They got up and walked to the door.

Everyone in the class raised their hands when she turned around.



"Redecorating your locker?"

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