Tree Bros - Demons Chasing me (P.T 5)

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heere y'all go owo


Connor couldn't sleep that night.

He just couldn't.

The tall boy sat on the wooden chair, looking at his dagger. He then put it back. Connor looked out the window, sighing. Evan was sleeping on the bed, and Connor was staring out the window.

He was just... Scared if Zoe and Alana would attack. Someone had to keep a lookout. Connor's eyes darted to Evan, who was sleeping on the bed, neatly, and by neatly, I mean he pushed the blankets on the ground. Connor smiled, and got up, staring at Evan.

He then leaned down, and pressed his lips against Evan's forehead, smiling. As he got up, Evan shuffled in his sleep. Connor gave a warm smile at his friends, before he felt a dark presence. Almost instantly, he tried shaking Evan to wake up.

"Evan! Wake up!"


"I think Zoe and Alana are here!"

Evan immediately gets up, and grabs his bag. Connor gripped his daggers in his hand. He gave Evan his sword so he could defend himself.

In a flash, the walls broke open, leaving a huge gap in the wall. People most definitely woke up from the loud noise. Zoe stood there, with Alana to be no where in sight. Zoe had her huge demon wings out.

"There you are!" She says, smiling, taking her sword out, "C'mon, Evan. If you come forward then we won't kill off Connor."

Zoe gave off this bad vibe, so both Connor and Evan definitely didn't want to go near her.

"Leave us alone, Zoe! Why the hell do you want him anyway!?"

"Connor, Connor... The wyverns were the most powerful out there! They had magics like no other! Angels came second in magics, and third was demons, and humans obviously being last. Evan is the last of his kind, if you don't remember. If we can use him, we can become more powerful than wyverns themselves!"

Zoe stared at her brother, before smirking. She put her hand out. A small bright blood red shining ball was appearing in her hands. She aimed the ball at Evan. Connor instantly jumped onto Evan, and pushed him out of the way. Zoe gripped her sword, as Connor got up and grabbed Evan's wrist, running away.

Connor jumped down the stairs, and ran out of the inn. Zoe was right on their tail, with her demon wings.

Using his magic, Connor used the same spell he had used on Zoe and Alana, and aimed it at Zoe, but she easily dodged it.

Zoe clashed into the ground, aiming for Connor, but he jumped backwards. The black haired boy let go of Evan's hand, and took out his daggers. They were in the middle of a field, ready to fight.

Zoe was the first to clash her sword against Connor's. Since Zoe was a demon, she knows most of her attacks and her spells, so she had a lot of faith in her winning this fight, but Connor was going all out.


Zoe won in the end. She got Connor to let go of the daggers he held. Zoe then held the point of her sword towards Connor's throat. He looked at Zoe, with a glare, as Zoe just smirked.

In one moment, Evan came, kicking Zoe across the field of grass. She went a few metres out. Evan then grabbed Connor's wrist, and pulled him up. They started running again.

~~~angst ending~~~

Zoe won in the end.

Connor's daggers were on the grass, as his dead body laid next to it. The boy had a huge stab wound in his stomach, and a load of bleeding, deep cuts in his chest.

Zoe smirked, as she picked up Connor's daggers. They instantly went out like a flame in her hand, disappearing.

Zoe walked towards Evan, who was fucking terrified of what had just happened. Tears brimmed his eyes, as Zoe grabbed him by his collar, and got him to stand up, then punching him in the face, making Evan pass out.




That was another ending i wanted to write for that chapter, but it isn't the actual ending

im still writing demons chasing me!

anyway, goodbye my friends uwu

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