Tree Bros - Forest

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• i am looking directly at it.
•wholesome shit
•btw this is based off of me and one of my best friends. i love her very much and she's very kind :)
•does anyone even like deh anymore????

"Do you maybe want to meet up? There's a small forest behind my house we can chill by."

Evan anxiously tapped his fingernails on the wooden desk, "Ye-Yeah! S-Sounds great!"

Connor smiled, "Perfect. Does 6 sound good?"

"Uhm- Yes! Of-Of course!" Evan nervously laughed.


"You know, you don't need to force yourself to go."

"No-No!" Evan yelled, "I mean- I want to go. I never get out of the house and my mom always begs me to get out of the house and socialize, even though I'm not that good at it-"

"I got it. It's fine, don't worry. Meet me at my house?"

"Yes-Yes! That sounds amazing- great! Thank you!"

Connor chuckled, "Great! Okay! I'll see you later."

Connor hung up the call. Evan put the phone on the desk and sighed heavily. He started tapping his fingers on the desk again, hopping it'll make him calm down.

"Connor!" Evan screamed, running up to a boy with black hair.

"You came." Connor smiled.

"Of-Of course I did."

"Are you ready? I use to always go to the small forest with my dad."

They started walking.

"What made you stop?" Evan asked.

Connor smiled sadly, looking away.

"Sorry I asked." Evan Could already feel his heart drop to his stomach.

"No- It's alright, really." Connor smiled, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Connor and Evan both walked down the path. The forest eventually came into view.

"It looks pretty small." Evan said.

"There's a large field and a lake." Connor responded, "I guess we can sit by there."

Evan nodded. They both walked towards the forest, climbing a small bit of the hill.

"Um, Connor?" Evan mumbled.

"Yeah?" Connor called out, looking back.

Evan stood in the middle of the small hill, "I'm stuck."

Connor laughed and reached out his hand. Evan took ahold of it.

His hand is warm.

Evan noticed the chipped black nail polish.

Without warning, Connor pulled Evan's hand forward. Evan yelled in surprise and almost fell face-front.

Connor tried to stifle a laugh, "Evan, I am so sorry!"

Evan bit his lip, trying not to cry.

"Evan?" Connor mumbled, "Evan- oh my god, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to laugh or yank you."

Evan took a deep breath, "No- No it's okay, really."

Connor hesitated, before nodding, "C'mon, Let's keep on going."

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