"Stayed Miles Away..."

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"Staying miles away do matter if you empathize it unnecessarily..."


Dear Ray,

          Few years back today was the day of my summer break – the day I entered the drama school; Act – the day I started to have a crush on you, Ray. I really was nervous the first day... Then the first thing I noticed stuck on the soft board was the name of all the students; topmost being your name written gracefully: Raymond Queen.

          I don't really have a good experience with the people with the name Raymond, so, the first thing I said to me after seeing your name and not even your face was to stay away from you.

          How I wish I stayed true to my norm, I'd have stayed miles away...

You're lovingly,


Dear Mr. Heart Breaker | ✔ | #SummerAdventures2018Where stories live. Discover now