"She's Cheating..."

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"The day you cheat on the one who loves you is the day when you murder the human residing in you."


Dear Ray,

           You were so into your friendship with Sasha that You forgot the fact i was there. It was me who loved you truly... That she's a cheator... She's cheating on her boyfriend, Ray... You also new that she'd a boyfriend... But still you did...

          You started to be more with her than me, giving her what was supposed to me mine. You. But what rot that very important thing more in me was when Peter asked you, "Ray, do you love Gwendolyn or Sasha." I really anticipated for your answer. Hoping it was me. Me, who you loved. But what you said what anything but what I thought, "I love both of'em." Your hand was on my hand. I didn't move my hand, Ray. I wanted to drink the feeling of your hand so much, Ray, so much I could feel it when we're not together...

          I just let things be, Raymond... I didn't want to lose you so soon.

Your sincerely,


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