"Raymond Queen, I love you..."

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"If you could make the 'I love you' feel then the word's magic have sky limits..."


Dear Raymond,

          Today was one of the most disastrous and wondrous days of my life. It was the day of carnival night.

          I don't remember it fully the day part. My all focus even then was on the evening to come. Our last time together. That day you and Sasha were a little late, and, Peter and Noah gave me the company. It was a little awkward with Peter but he masked it with fun really well. That time I knew that Noah had a crush on Sasha, and was hoping to ask her out for the carnival. I was encouraging him in that; partly because he's like a brother to me and I wanted his happiness, and partly because I wanted her away from you... Away from us.

          When Noah asked her out she agreed. I was sighing relief. But, I expected a little sign of grief in your face, Ray... But I found none, absolutely none; You were teasing and pulling his leg about it. It didn't effect you that he's taking her. I should've been happy, Raymond... But I felt betrayed... Somewhere my heart cried for that really good friend of mine. But she's also cheating, isn't it? So, I guess that made up for that...

          That day after class, I went home straightly practicing on how to say I love you in front of the mirror.

          "Raymond Queen, I love you," was my best, Ray...

Your sincerely,


Dear Mr. Heart Breaker | ✔ | #SummerAdventures2018Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt