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Technically the quirk and backstory for the reader are that of my oc but you know whatever lmao
Name: Y/n L/n
Age: 14-15
Quirk: Light and Matter manipulation
The reader can control and concentrate light into solid figures, such as weapons, objects, etc. They also  like forming strong ribbons out of light, which they can use to maneuver around with (like spider man and his web shit) or wrap around enemies to disarm them.
Their light quirk also has "sub quirks" which are kind of like extensions to their powers. They can heal injuries (nothing too severe though) and repair stamina, which they do to their classmates when they're training. They are also able to see a persons "soul" or light and can feel their emotions and sometimes can read any future movements that they might do.
The reader can also control any type of matter (kind of like bending from avatar) but the substance has to already exist in the world, they cannot create it (they can warp the matter into other forms though, like turning ice into water)
Side Effects: Overuse of their power causes internal bleeding which makes them cough up blood, but due to their hard and extensive training that they forced upon them self it has a very low chance of happening.
Power: 5/5
Speed: 4/5
Technique: 4/5
Intelligence: 5/5
Cooperativeness: 3/5

Y/n was the daughter of two pretty famous heroes, and she lived a pretty easy and happy life. This all changed however, when villains attacked her home an supposedly murdered her parents. With noone to take care of her, the underground hero Eraserhead, also know as Shouta Aizawa, takes her in as a young child. Because of her quirk and her current guardian, Y/n is easily opted for a spot in U.A, which makes her feel as if she should work harder so that she could feel as if she deserved her place in the school. After years of hardcore training, she was finally ready to step up and become a hero.

Two Heros, One Heart (Yuuga Aoyama x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now