Chapter 4 - The Calvary Battle

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When the heros announced that the next activity would be a calvary battle you had a momentary oh shit moment once you realized that you had to form a team. You worriedly looked around to see people already getting into groups, you started to feel even more anxious when the crowd got more concentrated and less cluttered. A large chunk of your class was surrounding Bakugou, asking him to let them be on his team. Knowing how well that would work for you, you decided your best bet was to search for Aoyama, since he was one of the only people that you actually talked with in your class. Your luck faltered however when you saw him standing next to the blue guy from class C. His head turned to you, and you looked away, embarrassed that you may have looked desperate in his eyes.

"L/N..." You yelped as you felt a strong hand grip onto your shoulder, turning to see the explosive boy staring at you with a blank face.

"Join my team."

You stared at him, wide eyed that he would even bat an eye at you after your previous few encounters.

"W-wait! Why do you want me on your team?" You finally managed to stutter out, moving away from his grasp. He groaned at you, stepping closer to your face and jabbed a finger over your chest.

"Because I want to win this dipshit, and if that's going to happen you need to be in my group. Besides, it was pretty obvious that you were struggling to find a team, so I suggest you to take my offer." You blush at his statement, and before you could reply he snatched your hand and walked to the other members of his team which consisted of Sero, Kirishima, and Mina. They smile at you once you came into their line of view, motioning you the climb on top of them. You sat under the support of their arms, wrapping the colored band under your hair while Bakugou climbed over to ride behind you. Midnight rose her whip once again announcing the countdown.

Once the gunshot sounded the beginning of the event you scanned the area with your aura, looking for possible targets with larger points.

"Over there!" You pointed to Todoroki s team, and the makeshift stead changed their direction to the other group. Your ashy blonde had other plans though, and leaped in the other direction towards poor Izuku. You yelled in frustration, pulling back and turning around so Bakugou wouldn't land on the ground after his reckless attack. He let out an explosion to the group in the air, which was deflected by Tokoyami's dark shadow, making him fall back from his quirk. Sero flung out his tape and slung your teammate back before anything else could happen between the two teams.

"Bakugou you idiot! You scolded as you helped him back on the mount while he growled from the fact he didn't take Izuku's band. Before he could retort back at you a sudden tug at your head caused you to fall back, nearly dropping to the floor if it weren't for your teammate dragging you back to your spot. You turned to see a blond haired boy smirking at you and your team as he flung the bands around before putting the bands on his neck, staring back down at you. You could see his mouth moving, but all you could hear was Bakugou screeching into your ear as he nearly climbed over your body so he could continue yelling.

"Jeez, now that dudes pissed Katsuki off, we're never gonna get in the top 4..." Mina mumbled in annoyance as she tried to help steady the rocking boy from falling. You smile apologetically at the pink girl, pushing the angry boy off of you to see if there were any valuable targets around. You slapped your palms together once your eyes landed onto Todoroki and Izuku fighting for the ten million band, racking you brain up on how this plan of yours was going to work. Carefully you stood up, placing you hands on Sero's and Kirishima's heads so you could push your legs off the supporting arms.

"You guys take care of Bakugou, I'm gonna go for the big gold!" Before anyone could protest against your words you leaped into the air, flying into the direction of the boys. Your eyes glowed a bright yellow as you scanned the bands between the two boys to see the large pointer band snuggled under the half and half's multicolored locks.

"HEADS UP!" You yelled to catch the attention of the teams surrounding the fight that was going on, and swiftly pulled the ribbon out of Shoutos hair. You placed both of your hands on his head for support and pushed on it to propel yourself back to your team. Your back collided against Bakugou, who was feuding with the other blond dude to get your bands back, and you guys formed into a jumbled mess as your face was squished onto his chest and his knees dug into your stomach.

"Y/N! THE OTHER TEAMS ARE AFTER US!" Sero screeched in terror as the previous teams you just encountered were speed towards you with lightning pace. You stuffed the ten million pointer into Bakugous mouth and steadied yourself to get a better look at the groups gaining on you. Shoutos team was soon running along side you, and before you could defend yourself a fiery hand reached for your head. Trying to deflect the attack you stuck your hand up to cover the bands but pulled away as you felt the heat come a little to close to the length of your arm. Moving back just in time, you felt Todoroki hesitate for a second before finally tugging the only band wrapped around you forehead and made Iilda move them away from your group. You tried to grab it back, but alas the alarm went off, signaling the end of the match. You laugh as you saw Todoroki look back at the band, his aura fueled with surprise once he saw the glaring 70 pointer on the heading of it. He looked back at you, to which you pointed at Bakugou while you pulled the band out from his mouth. Surprisingly instead of him yelling at you for making him look like an idiot he playfully punched (at least you thought it was since it was a really hard hit) your arm with a smug shit eating grin all over his face.

"Thanks for helping me destroy the other teams.."

You sweat drop at his statement but smiled back anyways, returning the friendly(?) gesture.

"You didn't do so bad yourself, porcupine!" Bakugous happy attitude flipped completely 180 at the comment, and you sped off from him, laughing your ass off as he screamed at you to come back.

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