Chapter 3 - The Obstacle Course!

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The day of the Sports Festival came in almost an instant as you sat there in the waiting room waiting (heh) for the event to start. You managed to sneak in some snacks in along with your outfit, so you were just sitting there, stuffing your mouth with chips as everyone else swarmed in.

"Y/N-SAN! You shouldn't be eating such unhealthy things, especially before such a big competition! It will hurt your stomach and chances of getting in a high rank in this game!" Iilda came marching throught the crowd, snatching the plastic bag from your hands. You groaned, standing up and tried to take back the treat you were enjoying. You pressed your chest against Iida as you extended your arms to grab the food, causing the boy to explode in shades of pink as he paced away from you so you wouldn't see the his tinted face. Disappointed that your only distraction from the ticking time bomb that was the festival was now gone, you looked around the room to see if there was anything else you could do while you wait. Your eyes finally landed on Todoroki and Midoriya who were having some type of declaration of war at each other? Didn't that happen with the other classes that blocked the entrance the other time? Having the entire school body after 1-A is bad enough, but your own classmates? This was-

"Oui! L/n!" You turn around to the plummy voice calling out to you to see none other then Aoyama, who was extending his arm up with a hand placed on his hip. He motions to you to walk with him out to to the arena for the announcements to start, which you just realized since you were spacing out and everyone else left. You half heartily laugh in embarrassment as you jog to the young mans place and out of the room.

The bright sunlight burst into your eyes once you were outside, causing you to squint annoyance from the glare hurting your irises. You bumped into a couple of bodies, which turned out to be people from the other classes. They glared at you, forcing you to cling slightly to the blonde boy. He tensed up at the sudden touch, but relaxed after you guys were bunched up near everyone else. Now that you stopped moving, you decided to space out a bit while the pro hero Midnight started talking. Aoyama's eyes darted to you, still surprised that your hand was still loosely clutched around the hem of his uniform. He hesitatingly grabbed your hand and pulled it away from the cloth, which you payed no mind too because you were laughing at Bakugous speech up front.

When Midnight finally announced that the first task of the festival was an obstacle race, you weren't surprised at least, since your dad accidentally made a comment about it when you had dinner a few nights ago. You glance over at everyone else's faces, which were full of uncertainty and worry. You smirk confidently, ready to get a head start.
After finally explaining the rules, the female pro hero stuck some sort of whip up, screaming the countdown into the mic. You steadied your body, getting ready for the absolute chaos that was about to happen.
"AND 3!"

A loud siren erupted, and in an instant everyone simultaneously ran to the entrance of the course. With a huff you jumped up and blasted a burst of pure light, swimming through the heads of the other contestants. You looked ahead to see sheets of ice covering the floor, which was most likely Todoroki's doing. You hopped on one students head and and burst more streams of light as you flew through the air. The red and white boy looked up in surprise to see you looming over him and gaped even more when you started falling to the floor at lighting speed. You slid onto the ice, willing it to melt as you ran to try and catch up to your classmate.

Once you almost surpassed Todoroki, large villain robots burst out of nowhere, which your icy classmate immediately froze and pushed forward. Not ready for him to get way too ahead of you, you burst up once again, forming light on your shoes and skidding across the rocky pavement, sliding under the large mechanics before they gave out. The large commotion of metal gave you extra momentum, allowing you to zoom past the boy. Quickening your pace, you snuck a quick glance back to see the usually poker faced male staring in absolute awe as he slowed down slightly. You smile at him and turned back in front of you just in time to see the large gaping hole blocked the path. Without thinking twice you forced the rock under you to spike up into a large diagonal cube tower, pushing you past the ropes and steep fall. You front roll onto the solid ground, catching your breath slightly from the sudden move.

The next and final obstacle were land mines, which made you groan. If you used your quirks near them they would explode, and you didn't want that to happen.

"I should find something to use as a platform and ride on a land mine..." You murmured to yourself, slowly walking through the circular patches. It wasn't too soon for Todoroki to catch back to you followed by Bakugou who was screaming death and murder to the two if you. You let them run past you, knowing that they would soon feud on top of the bombs, which would injure them more than help. Other people starting swarming up, trying to walk past to the finish line.

Looking back at everyone, you saw Izuku, holding a large piece of metal. Your eyes lit up, knowing exactly what he was about to do. Sneakily you walked over to him, making sure everyone else was distracted with the obstacle in front of them.


The green haired boy shot his head up to see you right above him, a smile plastered onto your face. You reached a hand out, looking at him with mischievous eyes.

"I know what your gonna do, and I think its smart. Would you mind if I give you a hand?"

He stared at you for a second, and back at your hand. You could feel his soul just say fuck it and grabbed onto your palm. Placing your feet onto the metal, you willed the contents in the bomb to load up. You looked at Izuku, who nodded back at you.


Just like that you both were flying in the air, zooming past the two boys as everyone looked forward in surprise. You finally positioned yourself to where you were holding him bridal style, and floated near the finish line. To be nice, you placed Izuku on his feet, and pushing him forward first to let him run, and then followed his footsteps.

"AND THE FIRST PLACE WINNER IS... IZUKU MIDORYIA! FOLLOWING UP BY A CLOSE SECOND COMES IN Y/N L/N!" The crowd cheered, and you squeezed the broccoli boy into a light hug, causing him to turn a bright and red and stutter gibberish. You laugh at him as you apologized, pulling away to see the other people coming through. They all seem tired and done with everything, which made you smile again at you advantage there. The obstacle race to you was nothing but a warm up.

You were just getting started.


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