Chapter 1 - Meeting the Class!

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e/c - Eye Color

"Are you sure you should come teach today? The doctors said that it would be awhile before you heal completely." Your face flooded with concern, holding the small device between your hands as you pressed the phone closer to your ears. "I know its my first day dad, but you don't have to worry about me so much. I can take care of myself you know!" You clenched the phone tighter, picking up your pace as the faces of other people around you melded into a blur.

On the other side of the phone, Aizawa sighed. He rested his broken arm on a table as he shifted his body around to a more comfortable position.

"Yes, I understand y/n, but my well being at the moment is irrelevant right now. I need to talk to my students about our current situation, since the sports festival is coming up. Besides, I also need to see how well Class 1-A takes you. I don't want your first experience in the class to be a bad."

You smile at your adoptive fathers obvious worry towards you as you walked into the outside base of U.A., eyeing your surroundings to see if anyone was around.

"Alright then, but please be careful ok? Mmhm. ok!See you in class soon!" Your e/c pupils glimmered with excitement as you stuffed your phone into a pocket in the backpack strapped around your shoulders. You continued walking across the campus, looking for the sign that would tell you of your class.

"Class 1-A.... hmm? Where could it be?" You eyed the signs on the side of the doors, but none of them had your classes number etched onto them.

And thats when you heard it.

"EAT FUCKING SHIT AND DIE!!" Your eyes widen at the sudden threat, turning to look at where the noise was coming from. You ran towards the source, almost slamming into a wall trying to slide around the corner.

"Huh. So this is Class 1-A?" You raise an eyebrow as the scene in front of you unfolded. A pale blond haired boy was currently screaming his face off to a green haired kid who was shrinking under his reign.

"IF YOU GET NEAR ME ONE MORE TIME IM GONNA FUCKING BLAST YOUR ASS INTO THE SOLAR SYSTEM!" He continued berating the student while the others stood in the background and watched, not wanting to get involved. The fact that no one was trying to stop the blond guy irked you, so you decided you would take the matter into your own hands.


The boy turned around, face full of absolute malice. The rest of the people in the room turned to you, surprised that someone actually had the courage to speak out.

"What the fuck do you want?!" He spat out, his hands unclench from the strong fists that he held through his tantrum. You look at the boy with a small smile, walking to the class with your hands clasped together in front of you.

"What did that guy do to provoke you into such an angry state? I don't think you should be screaming at one of your classmates, it causes the atmosphere of the room to be very tense and unhappy." You sweat dropped as the boys face scrunched up even more, his pupils so tiny that you couldn't tell if he was looking at you or the other people.

"And why do you fucking care bitch?" His attention is now fully on you. The green boy takes his chance of escape and scurries out of the angry porcupines reach and into another corner of the classroom. Before you could reply to the rude comment, a voice erupted from behind you.

"Screaming already Bakugou? hah... Its too early for this." Your turn around, not surprised to see your dad walking into the classroom. What did surprise you however was the amount of bandage that was wrapped around his face.

"AIZAWA SENSEI! YOUR BACK SO SOON!" The entire class screamed, causing you to yelp from the loud noise. Everyone started bombarding questions of his well being, completely ignoring your existence as they overlapped each other with their voices. He stood there unfazed, waiting for them to cool down.

"Alright, now that you all done with your rambling , I want to introduce the new student here." He nods his head towards you, not bothering to point using his uninjured hand. Everyone turned to you, waiting for you to speak. The sudden attention made your cheeks dust with a faint pink, but you took a deep breath, trying to calm the nerves inside you.

"Um, Hello! My names y/n l/n, its nice to meet you all!" You bowed down to everyone as they greeted you back.

"Great, now that your introduced, we can get class started. Y/n, you can sit next to Aoyama over there". (for story reasons i moved Ojiro, I'm sorry baby!)
He leaned his head once again to the side, this time to a bright blondie in the corner. He winks at you once you both caught each others eyes, his purple irises shimmering in the light.

"Bonjour, mademoiselle~." You smile back at him, trying to brush of the possibility of his actions to be flirtatious. His eyes were still glued onto your figure as you climbed into your seat next to him. The orange head behind you leaned over, his hands gripped onto your shoulders as he brought his face closer to you.

"Soooo, how come you got in to this class so late?" He asked, not knowingly invading your personal space. A girl with ear jacks hanging from her ears pierced him with it, causing the boy to vibrate violently, his hands sliding off you. You look back at the poor boy, who hung back in his seat, drool seeping from his mouth. The girl chuckles at your worried face, waving her hand to you.
"He"ll be alright, don't worry about it."

"Oh- ok. Um, the reason why I wasn't in this class before was mostly because I didn't take the exam to get in. I was more of a.....recommendation." A red head widened his eyes as he stood up from his seat, crossing his right arm over his chest.
"OH! So you must be really good then! Thats so cool!" You blush at the compliment, shaking your head.

"Oh no, its not reaaally like that, its more of-"
"All of this chatter is going to make us get behind on our classwork. If you would like to speak with y/n please do so in your lunch period." The long haired man mumbled through his layers of bandage, making the other kids groan in disappointment. You however, let out a small sigh of relief, turning to the front of the classroom and at your new teacher.


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