Chapter 5 - A Small Intermission

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Sorry for not posting in awhile, so take this quick chapter since schools been killing me.



You winced at the sudden noise screaming into your ear, lazily swatting the source of the voice away from you. Whoever was trying to disturb your slumber huffed in annoyance at your lack of cooperation, tugging at your body and pulled you away from the table onto a pair of arms. You slowly opened your eyes, looked down only for your pupils to be stabbed with bright red strands if hair, causing you to pull your head up so you could see properly.

"W-what are you doingg..." You lazily mumbled at your classmate as you clung onto his neck to prevent yourself from falling. Kirishima simply laughed at your deranged state while he pushed you up higher so you wouldn't topple over.

"The battles have been announced dummy. I though you might wanna come and take a look, ya know?" Your eyes widen in confusion is you pulled your chest away from his back, nearly toppling both of you over.
"I've been asleep that long? Fuck... I probably shouldn't have pulled an all nighter..."

"Yup, disappointing really. I kinda wanted to see what you'd look like in a cheerleading outfit." You raise an eyebrow at his statement, a light pink dusting your cheeks in embarrassment. Before you could retort anything back to him, the both of you reached the wall of brackets which stated who you were up against. Your eyes scanned around the paper until they landed on your cleanly printed name, stuck right next to Momos. You turn around to see where the black haired girl was, only to find her with your other female classmates dressed up in cheerleading costumes. You sweatdropped once you realized what Kirishima meant, putting your focus back onto the poster in front of you to avoid eye contact. You found Aoyamas name inked right next to yours as well, but he was up against Mina. You felt a twinge of pity for the boy, knowing easily that he was going to lose. The fact that he probably knows that too made you feel even worse, so you gently wafted your face with air to prevent anyone to see your upset state.

"Uh Y/n?" Kaminari stumbled next to you, looking up at your face with drool pooling down the side of his mouth. "Why are you ontop of Kiri?" You looked down to see the red heads arms still wrapped under your legs, not listening to the question your other classmate asked. You finally felt all the eyes staring at you making you blush even more with the assumptions that they were most likely making of the two of you. Slowly you pushed yourself off of Kirishima, only for you to topple over and fall backwards onto the ground. Before you could process what was going on, a pair of hands grabbed onto you before your butt could land on the hard pavement.

"Merci~ That was a close one. Are you alright mademoiselle?" You rubbed your forehead in irritation from the impact, turning your head back up to see a pair of twinkling eyes staring down at you. Your noses touched, making your face turn into a deeper shade of red. Aoyama let go of your curled up body, helping you stand back up again with his face once again, unfaltered at the current situation at hand. Unbeknownst to you however, the poor boy was barely keeping him composure after the fact that your faces were so close to each other.

"Y/n-San!" You turned back to see Momo walking up to you, her hands still clutched to the yellow pom-poms that matched her outfit. "Looks like we're up against each other right?" You nodded your head at your classmate.

"Yeah! May the best fighter win then!" You lifted up your hand for a high five, which the black haired girl awkwardly gave back. You stretched your arms out, letting out a loud yawn. You backpedaled on your feet, only to bump back into Aoyama once again. You let out a groan of embarrassment, covering your hands with your face for the second time in a row.

"I really shouldn't have pulled that all nighter..."

Two Heros, One Heart (Yuuga Aoyama x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now