Chapter Twenty-Six || Unbreakable

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The Great Palace, Xiang Empire, 1479___________________She could hear the rain

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The Great Palace, Xiang Empire, 1479
She could hear the rain.
It fell in crazy, chaotic drops, the gusting wind carrying it in wild vortices one moment and in calmer sheets the next. It created a thin layer of water in some places, and deep puddles in others. The rain had been light at first, but then it turned heavy, the noise of its torrential drops echoing with each landing. She could hear the wind whistling violently, as though it was furious, and imagined it huffing and puffing like one of those scary, hot-headed creatures from the folk tales her father used to tell her when she was little. She remembered how they used to watch the rain together, and he would tell her tales of how the rain came to be. Each time it was a different version. The rain was created by Mazu, the water goddess, or maybe by a Dragon King, or probably a demigod, or.. and the list went on. She remembered how close they were. She'd been a lot closer to him than to her mother. She never understood why, as daughters and mothers were supposed to be close. Her and her father were best friends. "Zhànshì", meaning warrior, was what he called her. At least, used to call her, before he got killed in the Great War led by the late king. She was only fourteen then. A month after he was killed, her mother, driven by grief and depression, committed suicide to join him in the afterlife, leaving her daughter alone in the world.
So her grandfather took her in, but he couldn't look after the girl alone and knew she needed a woman by her side, so her aunt—from Lihua's mother's side—decided to live with them and help Zhao Lin. They both took care of her and did their best to make sure she lived a pleasant life. And she was grateful to have a family like them.
Her mind drifted back to her parents, but focused mostly on her father.
"Dad.." She whispered, tears forming in her eyes. She missed him so much. So, so much. She wanted to see him, hug him, talk to him. She inhaled shakily and blinked the tears away, wrapping her arms around herself and curling up, feeling cold. The blanket she was covered with was thin, and didn't provide her with any warmth. The coldness spread through her body and she started shivering. She didn't know how long she'd been awake for, but she wished she could go back to sleep.
And hopefully never wake up.
She closed her eyes as she slowly realized something.
The emperor was succeeding in breaking her.
She realized how the fire in her was fading, decreasing to the size of a tiny candle flame. She realized how she dreaded seeing his face.
"No.." She breathed, "no.. no.. no!" She gathered her strength and sat up, "I won't let.. I won't let him.." She whispered, her voice carrying a hint of determination. Lihua gritted her teeth, hissing slightly as her head began hurting. It began to feel like a palanquin had been dropped on her head. A wave of dizziness washed over her, but she ignored it. "I won't.." She swung her bare feet off the bed, shivering slightly when they touched the cold floor. The thin hanfu she wore did nothing to prevent the cold from getting to her skin. But she still ignored it, her aching chest burning with determination. The brunette could barely stand up, and when she did, she stumbled, but luckily regained her balance.
She walked, the way her feet moved being somewhere between limping and stumbling, her steps slow.
Lihua got to the door and opened it, startling the maids standing outside. "M-My lady!" One stuttered, shocked to see her. She nudged another maid and whispered to her to quickly call Eun Soo.

"Take.. take me.. to the emperor.. I won't.. let him.." The sixteen year old mumbled weakly, trying to breathe.
"Lady Wu!" She heard the familiar voice of the court lady exclaim as she ran over to her. "What on earth are you— somebody call the physician! She's awake!" She yelled harshly. A maid nodded obediently, bowed, and rushed out, doing as she ordered.
"Let.. go.. take me.. to the emperor.."
"What?" Eun Soo questioned, firmly holding the girl's arm so she could stand properly. "My lady, you must go inside and lie down. The physician will be here shortly to check on y—"
Lihua suddenly grabbed the collar of the court lady's dark green hanbok and hissed, "didn't.. didn't you hear me..?! I.. need to see.. the emperor..!" She inhaled deeply and added, "take.. me to him."
"I'll take you to him, I promise you I will. But you must lie down and rest first, my lady. Once you get your strength back, I will personally request an audience with him for you." Lies. All lies. The girl didn't believe her one bit but still gave a small nod, making the court lady sigh softly in relief, before walking her back inside the bedchamber.
The physician was surprised to see her awake, and had examined her. He revealed that she'd been asleep for almost almost a week. Almost a week? That's a long time. I wonder if anything happened while I was asleep.. She thought curiously. After he gave her medicine and left, Eun Soo stayed beside her and without meaning to, fell asleep on the chair.
When Lihua was sure the court lady was in deep sleep, she threw a silk cloak on over her dress, pulled the hood over her head, and snuck out of the bedchamber, keeping her head down and ignoring the maids, who gave her weird looks. She stepped outside, the mixture of rain and wind hitting her immediately. Her body was still weak, and she still felt light-headed, but the medicine the physician gave her was surprisingly helpful. She was able to walk a little more now, but she was still a little worried that she might faint.
The girl walked for a good ten minutes, before she finally reached the emperor's private chambers. The guards wouldn't let her in at first, but when they realized who she was, they opened the doors for her. Lihua stepped inside, taking the hood off her head, and made her way to his bedchamber. Her light steps echoed in the marble hallway. Even she was surprised at how confident and determined she was feeling, with not a hint of nervousness or fear.
She stopped at the doors of the emperor's chamber, where two guards stood.
She was going to show Emperor Hyeon that he wasn't going to break her. No matter what.


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