Cartman the Horrid I

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This Journey wouldn't be a long one , in fact the destination wasn't even halfway across the small town . A certain pissed off teenager stomped across the sidewalk leading into the middle class subdivision . Even with the sun rays raining down on the small town , it seemed as though every loud thud that hit the concrete spawned a vile thunder cloud . " I can't wait for that narcissistic prick to get his Karma ." Still wearing his orange parka , Kennth McCormick was finally going to watch the galaxies' most despicable monster get dragged into the Sheriff's car . Ever since fourth grade , Kenny realized that there was more to Eric Cartman than a pure ass hole and by grade six he realized that psychotic was an understatement . Eric's condition wasn't a mental disease , but instead a diagnosis along the lines of the supernatural . The kid was a super genius when it came to manipulating his victims , but ignorant when it came to common etiquette and schooling. Of course , his personality wasn't the only thing driving Kenny to Eric Cartman's house , it was the torment he caused his so called friends . Ever wonder why Stan relapsed right after being released from rehabilitation or why Kyle barricaded himself in his room with suicidal thoughts for two weeks ?

Kenny remembered every second of that day , every second that his friends were ridiculed by that inhuman fuck .
" AYE ! YOU FUCKING JEW BOY , GET YOUR ANOREXIC ASS OVER HERE !" Kyle dropped his basketball .
" What do you want Cartman ?" , he asked irritated . " I am tired of you faggot ! Always narking on me for a bunch of bull !" Kyle sighed . " Come on fat ass , I'm trying to practice ." Cartman lunged forward throwing a punch straight into Kyle's nose , marking the first time he ever physically harmed someone of this extent in the quartet . " Ow ....... Fuck ............ man what did I do to you ?" , Kyle whined , holding his nose tightly . Cartman bursted with laughter . " You're not in a damn camp , that's the problem !" Cartman lifted his leg and crammed it into Kyle's stomach . The wind once filling Kyle's lungs was gone . He stumbled to the frigid concrete , rolling on his side .
" * cough * Jesus ..... * cough * Man ." , Kyle wheezed . " This is what you get when - ,"
" Yo what the hell fat ass ?" , Stan shouted darting towards the scene . At the sight of his super best friend , Kyle sighed . " I don't know what I did this time man , I honestly don't know ." Kyle muttered as tears streamed down his cheeks . " Cartman you fuck ! What the hell did you do to Kyle ?" The eyes of the two best friends met . " Apparently it's what I did to him ." Kyle struggled as he began to lift himself from the ground , he groaned . " HAHA look at the Jew boy HAHA !"

The red head cautiously pushed himself off the court , turned to the sidewalk , wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his orange jacket , then limped away , keeping a tight grip on his stomach .
" Don't think for a second that you're off the hook , fat ass !" , Stan growled as he bounded towards Kyle . Kenny , as a supportive friend , originally came to the basketball court to cheer on Kyle as he practiced , but he now stood paralyzed . It's not like he didn't expect this quarrel to go down eventually, but he couldn't have predicted Kyle's reaction , it was mortifying and all Kenny did was lean against a basketball hoop and watch , appalled .
He regretted it .
Of course , this wasn't the only
"friend" Cartman decked in the face , Jimmy and Butters being only two of his victims .

The sidewalk was beginning to grow thin and the dandelions growing along the path to Cartman's house merged with purple Tulips . Kenny was sick with wrath and was no where close to being at ease ; vengeful thoughts still conquered his consciousness .

Stan was gaming with Cartman the night all of his suffering at rehabilitation went to shit . It was a rare night when Kyle wasn't present . Cartman's chair squeaked as he leaned in Stan's direction . " Hey Stannnn ?"
" Yeah man ?" Cartman smirked . " You know I don't ask you for much , right ?" Stan pressed the buttons on the game controller in annoyance , he knew where this was going already . " What do you want Cartman ?" Kenny sighed as he glared at the two , then back at the screen , which illuminated the basement . " I want you to help me ...... bribe Timmy's mom into admitting she's a retard on Dr.Phil ." Stan's eyebrows narrowed . " No way dude ." Kenny rolled his eyes . I've died way to many times for these idiots . Cartman's smirk grew wider . " Maybe this'll help ." Cartman reached under the couch and pulled out a large bottle of Fireball . Stan's eyes sparkled once they lied on the shiny red glass . Must not give in . Must not give in . " Put it down ." , Kenny exclaimed sternly .
" What are you gonna do about it Kinny , he knows he wants it ." Kenny slid the game controller on the table in front of him ; his glare , the one that was given to the heavens every time his heart was taken from his body , flashed every look of tragedy since his first death .
" Cartman , Stan just got signed out of Rehab , if you're a good friend - no - PERSON you will take the alcohol out of his sight ." , Kenny growled . " I - I made a promise to Kyle , Wendy , and you guys ." , Stan muttered , his voice becoming hoarse . " It can be our little secret , right guys , right Kinny ?" The tension was thick in the air , as a silent standoff was brewing . Cartman wrapped his arm around Stan who was desperately trying to avert his gaze from the glass. " Awwww come on Stan , the buzz , the freedom , what more could you want right now ?" Stan's eyes were lost in the bottle . The smell , oh god , the smell . The musty scent of joy filled the entire basement .

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