Chapter 2

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I held my breath as the Mixed-Soul dude who hates people walked up to me. He sniffed me, which I thought was weird, but then again, they are a half animal, then he grinned evilly.

"Back away from my son you stupid cat!" Dad yelled.

"Your son?" he asked, "This one, right here?" He looked at Dad mockingly.
He looked back at me and cut the rope holding me up easily with his sword.

"Gah!" I said as I fell headfirst. Then the dude grabbed my neck and threw me across the clearing we were in. I stayed on the ground for a second, then I slowly got up and rubbed my head, groaning. Looking up, I squinted at the half cats standing in front of me.

"Damien, what are we going to do?" the second oldest dude said, "Should we report this to the king? Or perhaps the Right-Hand Cat, seeing as you are our head guard."

King? Head Guard? Right-Hand Cat??  Okay first; why does Right-Hand Cat remind me of the Hamilton musical? Second: what is he talking about? I have about a gazillion questions running through my mind right now, but let's just keep the list fairly short for now.

As the guy was talking to "Damien" (and while I was watching them), I felt like I was being watched. So I turned my head to one side and noticed that Kiana, the seemingly youngest one in the group, was staring at me with curiosity.

We made eye contact for a few seconds, then she tilted her head a little as a dog would do if they were confused. She frowned, then she turned away as her friends started talking to her.

Confused, I looked the other way just to find Damien staring at me as a snake does to a mouse.

He chuckled and stalked towards me, with his sword in his hand. The others got silent.

"So my human friend, we've decided that we don't need you useless people here. And we certainly don't want to bother the king now do we?"

"I don't even know the dude," I replied.

"Point is... your useless," He continued.

"Gee thanks, that's nice of you to say. And you don't even know me furball." I interrupted. Yeah, I know, probably not the smartest thing to say, but oh well, what's done is done. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Kiana smirked.

"Shut up and watch your mouth you stupid human!" Damien snapped.

"You guys are half-human remember?" I pointed out, "So does that mean you're stupid as well or....?"

"What is wrong with you?!" he practically shrieked.

"Hey, I'm just pointing out the obvious buddy" I answered stupidly. I could tell by the way she was biting her lip that Kiana was trying not to laugh.

Damien growled viciously and stalked forwards, raising his sword as he got close to me. And when it looked like he was going to bring his deadly weapon down, Kiana yelled, "Thorn, wait!"

Damien, or, Thorn I don't know, turned around.

"You aren't defending this creature are you? You know what your father would do" he said. She shuddered at the thought of this and looked pained for a few seconds, before regaining her senses.

"No you idiot!" she snapped, "It's LavaClan! A patrol is coming!"

Listening and sniffing the air for a moment, he stiffened. He lowered his sword and backed away towards his group. They all faced towards the west. A second later, another group of Mixed-Souls came crashing through the bushes.

"LavaClan! You useless idiotic bundles of fur!" Damien yowled with fury.

"Hah!" the meanest and strongest looking one laughed, "Your territory in these parts belong to LavaClan now!"

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