Chapter 12

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I'd like to say that I wasn't screaming.

Hahahahahaha, no. This was literally me on my way down the cliff.


And no, I do not scream like a little girl. I have, in fact, a very, manly, scream. You know what, I'm not even a man yet. But still. And yes, I am indeed breaking the fourth wall with a sledgehammer. Hi person on some kind of device reading this lovely story about my trash life.

Alright then! Back to me falling down a cliff with my new friend who will possibly want to kill me after this!


"AHHHHHHHHH" Both Kiana and I screamed on our way down the cliff heading towards the water. How the heck do I even get myself into these situations? A literal second later, I was paralyzed by freezing water. I somewhat shook myself, then swam with all my might to the surface. Did I mention that this river I was currently in was quickly flowing down a path away from my dad? Well, now ya know.

I gasped for air as I broke the surface.

I turned my head and saw Kiana paddling helplessly. Despite her being half panther, which supposedly can swim well, she wasn't swimming really good. But at least she wasn't drowning.

All of a sudden, something pulled me underwater, and I felt horrible pain in my left leg. I looked down and saw a giant crocodile.

Okay, wait. Why the actual heck is there A FREAKING CROCODILE in this river?! What the heck?!

This entire situation is as if it were in some kind of story and the author didn't even know what they were doing.

The giant croc dragged me underwater, and after a few seconds, I started to lose air. I started to lose consciousness, then what looked like a knife shot straight threw the water. The beast let go of my leg, but I couldn't move. Everything hurt so much.

Once the beast regained its senses, it lunged at me again.

A second later, a grown tiger swam down under where I was and swiped it's clawing at the things face.

All of a sudden, the attention went to this tiger, who was saving my life.

Bad thing is, I still couldn't move. Everything turned black, but I still felt the freezing water around me.

**** Time Skip ****

(A/N; Writer's block is the best. What do I do when I get it tho?? knock one of my characters out so I can time skip lmfao)


As I felt myself wake up, I immediately spat out a ton of water. Once I was done, I looked up and squinted at someone who was in front of me.

I tried to sit up. Suddenly I felt the worst pain I've ever felt in my life.

I covered my mouth and tried not to scream.

"Don't move." A soft voice said. "Your leg is broken."

I looked up once again. Everything was blurry.

"W-who are you?" I asked. I couldn't tell what the person's expression was, but I could tell they stiffened a bit.

"you can't see me?" She asked. Yeah, I can definitely tell that it's a girl in front of me from her voice.

I squinted even more.

The girl sighed, then placed two gentle hands on the sides of my head. I felt her come close to me, and it made me kind of uncomfortable. A second later, my vision turned white, and I felt warmth. When the girl's hands moved from my head, the white vision faded away.

A Heroes Journey (Old/Unedited) :)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora