Chapter 11

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"I got your food," Kiana said, walking into the cave. Surprisingly, she seemed cheerful, which was weird because of how she acted when she was leaving. I scooted away when she came close because of what her dad said. She noticed I seemed a bit off.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked. "I don't even know you and I know you talk a lot."

I looked away.

"What. Cat got your tongue?" She said.

I looked at her.

"That was a bad pun," I said, but I couldn't help but smile a little. Huh. Right now, Kiana wasn't acting the way her dad described her as. I looked at the plate of leaves that had meat on it that she was holding. "I prefer my food cooked by the way."

She rolled her eyes. A flame appeared in her hands, cooking the meat but not burning anything. I sat up.

"How..?" I asked quietly. She must have heard it though.

"It's magic, duh." She said. I could tell she liked my reaction though. "Anyways, here's your food."

She handed me the plate of leaves that was holding the now cooked meat.

"What's this meat from?"

She thought about it. "Chicken." She said. "From a human place that has a lot of prey animals in it."

"A farm?" I asked, inspecting the chicken.

"If that's what you call it, then yeah. "

I started eating chicken. It needed seasoning, but it was so much better than nothing. After a few seconds, something happened.

Two people, one I recognized as Michael, and the other as Brandon, walked into the cave stealthily so that Kiana wouldn't notice. When they were behind her, they each placed a hand on her shoulder quickly.

Kiana jumped. "Ah!!" She screamed.

The two people behind her burst into laughter.

"You idiots!" She yelled. "You guys scared me!"

"Yeah, but your reaction was priceless!" Michael laughed.

"Works every time" Brandon added, laughing hard.

Kiana face-palmed herself. I tried to not laugh.

"You guys are so stu- IS THAT A MOUSE?!" She suddenly yelled. Brandon speedily perked up.

"What?! Where?!" He yelled, looking around. Michael and Kiana started laughing.

"Idiots" He grumbled.

"You don't know how many times I've played that trick on him," Kiana said between laughs. "It works every time."

Brandon growled. "That was one. Time" He grumbled, crossing his arms.

"SIIIISSSSYYYYYYY!!!!" Somebody screamed from outside the den.

Kiana, Brandon, and Michael stopped what they were doing and glanced at each other. The glance they were sharing said, uh-oh.

All of a sudden, two black kittens and a mob of other kittens ran into the cave at godspeed.

The trio fell over as kittens attacked them.

"Why are there so many kittens??" I quietly asked myself. A kitten with brown fur and white spots looked at me. Her eyes glowed with excitement, at least, I think it was her.

"GUYS LOOK! A NEW PERSON!!!" She yelled at her kitten companions. Yep. It's a girl. Anyways, they all looked in my direction with sudden eagerness in their eyes. They got off of the three, who looked at me.

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