Announcement :)

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Hey Guys, Gals and Non-Binary Pals!

Just wanted so say that I'm thinking about making a newer, revised version of A Hero's Journey.

I don't know, it's just that I kind of want to make the plot better, fix things that might not make sense, you know, that kind of thing.

Of course, I'll be leaving the old version published so that other people can check it out if they want to, but overall I probably will make a newer version and see how that goes.

It'd probably have the general idea of what's happening, but there will be changes to certain scenes here and there.

Thanks for understanding anyone who reads this! Hopefully I'll still be supported. All an all, have a nice day/night! <3

Edit: sO I already plan on releasing the first chapter today (the day this announcement is released), so yeah! If anyone sees this maybe check it out :)

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