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A/N: I'm dedicating this story to guatie77 (you know who you are girl) for giving me the great idea that started this story. Hats off to you!!! :)

24 years ago, November 1994,

Arbois, France

"Mathilde, your father wishes to speak with you," called a voice in French from outside her bedroom. It sounded like the maid, but the voice was so muffled by the heavy oak door leading to her boudoir, Mathilde was unsure.

"Coming in a moment," called Mathilde in kind, placing her university books aside. She had been trying to get ahead in her English class. She had taken four years of it before heading off to University and was already quite proficient in the language.

After placing all her books aside and making sure she didn't lose her place in the heavy tomes, she headed toward her father's office. It was where he worked most days on his many vineyard's accounting books, along with his other business ventures. He had taken to making some investments as of late, and whether it was because he was overworked or they were not doing well, her father had been looking distressed as of late.

After a bad season for grape crops about a half dozen years ago or so, Valentin Poulin and his family- which included his daughter Mathilde- had been able to finally flourish in the wine business. Many of the other surrounding vineyards had gone bankrupt after a freak storm battered the vines of grape bushes rendering them unable to bear fruit. After being abandoned to the elements, Valentin was able to buy the acreage of the surrounding competing wineries for pennies on the dollar- or franc as it was at the time. Ever since, they had had bumper crop after bumper crop and the Poulins became wealthy in their own right after years of struggling to make ends meet.

Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Valentin decided to invest in other businesses and for the past year had been dabbling in real estate as well. Mathilde didn't know it, but her father's lack of business acumen outside of the wine trade was about to change her life.

"Papa?" she asked, sticking her head into the dark-wooded study her father spent hours in. Like the rest of their home, it smelled heavily of cigars and bourbon, not a wholly unpleasant fragrance. It was one she was used to and related with the safety of her father's arms. "You wished to speak with me?"

"Yes, Mathilde," he told her, sitting up from his desk where he was still writing. "Come- sit down. We have something to discuss."

Mathilde did as she was bade and sat across from her father at his cherry wood desk, feeling a bit like a child about to be scolded for something she didn't know she had done. She was usually only called into the study when something serious had happened or they needed to discuss something of utmost importance.

Mathilde's stomach tied and untied itself in several knots as she waited for her father to stop writing long enough to speak with her.

Placing his pen down on the desk quietly, he looked over at his eldest daughter.

"Mathilda, do you remember meeting a Mr. Harrison Charles about a month ago at The Promenade at Sorbonne?" he asked her as if trying to jog her memory of years ago instead of a mere 4 weeks. The Promenade was a yearly fall dance that was held in the ball room at Sorbonne. It was much like the American version of a prom, though held at the beginning of the year instead of the end. It was a tradition amongst Sorbonne's students and that particular year, Mathilde had been designated 'Queen' of the dance.

"Yes, Papa. I remember him," she affirmed with a quizzical look on her face. This was not at all what she had been expecting.

"As he does you, my dear," he father said wistfully.

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